New World

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Ares crawled out water onto sand and laid there facing an orange sky.

Ares:this better not be some other world bullshit...

He sat up and looked around.

Ares:Olympus? Olympus?

Olympus:I'm here

He stood.

Ares:what the hell happened?

Olympus:playing back recording

He saw what happened in the time he was out.

Ares:shit...we fell. You know where the others are?


Ares:something up?

She wa glitching.


Ares:power down...I look around

There were two sun's and the water reflected the colour of the sky.

Ares:weird plants-

A weird bird ran past.


Raymond:LYCUS! ARES!

He turned toward the giant tree in the distance.

Ares:a Raymond...I need a Raymond

It started raining as he walked. No matter how far he walked he never seemed to get closer.

Ares:okay...this place does not apply to physics...fuck I'm in Hell aren't I?

He decided to walk a different direction and quickly found a small army of mice chanting.'s official I'm high as fuck-

Raymond:Ares fucking help us!

Him, Weiss and Blake were tied with vines.

Ares:what the-

Mice:new adversary's approaches we must liberate out kin!

Ares:the fuck do-

He noticed Ruby next to him.

Ares:oh hey wanna kill em or should I?

Ruby:okay wait a minute

After some explanation they freed them and the head Mouse apologised.

Ares:have you seen a small red guy, looks like a five year old from a distance and acts like one when he's mad?

Raymond:he also may sound like a girl a certain times

Blake:or a girl with long blonde hair?

The Mouse thought for a moment.


Ruby:thanks anyway

The five of them huddled.

Ruby:before all of this I was trying to get to that cliff over there. I figured going to higher ground and getting my bearings would be a good idea

Weiss:sounds like the best option for now

Ares:I tried. This place does not want us near the cliff

Raymond:how so?

Ares:walk that way

He pointed into the forest and Raymond shrugged walking off.

???:I can help

A Mouse crawled on Blake's arm. This was Little.

Little:I can be your trusty guide

Raymond came back in the opposite direction very confused. Little fell asleep on Ruby's shoulder immediately as they walked across a path up the cliff.

Blake:we should hurry Yangs been down here the longest

Raymond:and Lycus is...Lycus. I was out for most of the fight what happened after Lupin? Is Frost here aswell?

Weiss:no...I don't think so anyway...

Ares:Weiss what happened?

Weiss:I don't know...let's just find them if there even down here

She didn't turn to face them and just kept walking. She was hiding something.

Ruby:I just-

She was cut off by a roar. The group stopped seeing a...purple thing.


Little hid and it noticed them.


They relied for a fight except Ares and Ruby. Ruby lost her weapon and Ares' systems were down so he couldn't make a new sword.


It ran toward them. Raymond blocked its swipe.


A rock landed on the things back. Yang was behind it panting.


It done just that and ran away.

Raymond:fuck was that?

Ares:no clue...this place doesn't apply to science and it pisses me off

The two turned to RWBY and found Weiss crying.

Weiss:it all happened so fast...Penny...she...Jaune and Lycus tried to help but they were trying to get you two and Mellissa fell and he...Neapolitan stabbed him through the chest, it was meant for me but he put himself between us...he was starting to change

Ruby fainted, Raymond wanted to die and Ares was worried sick.

Ares:if were dead this is Hell, and this is Hell Melissa won't be here

Raymond:she did betray us

Ares:for just reasoning!

Blake:I don't think so...I think we're jn a fairytale

Ares:fuck you mean-

He saw where Blake was standing and the assortment of different looking areas surrounding the tree. From candy land to red forests.

Ares:fuck were in a fairytale...

Raymond:we're so fucked...



Melissa:come on...come on...

She held her hands over a motionless Lycus.

Melissa:I'm not as good as Ares but...I can patch a wound

The stab inflicted by Neapolitan healed.

Melissa:I need you Lycus...

She looked outside the bars of a cell.

Melissa:or we'll both die here...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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