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FAR walked out the Mansion.

Raymond:where do we start?

Ares:base of the explosion. Guaranteed if his body survived he's there

Frost:let's not waste anything then-

Ares:hang on...we got something coming in fast. Too fast to be a bullhead


Ares:no but it's...Aura is off the charts

Something landed in the Schnee Gardens in front of them.

Ares:uh oh

Frost:Ares talk to me what you see?

Ares:get everyone out now. She survived too...

Red eyes appeared as the dust dissapeard and Lyca rose out the crator cracking her fists. Lycus' shirt was gone, his scars were pulsing red. Everyone else came outside.

Tintin:oh come on! What does it take to kill this bitch!?

Lyca reverted to normal and knelt panting.

Ares:she used too much of her time to get here. She won't be able to access stage 2 for awhile

Yang:so we have a chance. We can beat her like this

Raymonds:she's still dangerous

Ruby:but now she's vulnerable

Ares:now would be the best time to attack...go at her from all sides. RWBY you up for it?

They nodded.

Frost:alright RWBY move in first, JNR, Oscar, Emerald and us will follow up. Melissa, Tintin with us. She can't dodge all of us at once like this. Ares stay back and give us info on her vitals, tells us what she's gonna do

Ares:I've downloaded 50% of her move set

RWBY moved in first and surrounded her from all sides.

Ares:her eyes are shut. She's completely open...somethings not right

RWBY rushed her at once and Lyca smiled.


Lyca jumped into the air causing RWBY to slam into each other. Lyca came back down slamming her fist into the pile making the crator bigger. She threw each of them out.

Lyca:can't believe you fell for that

She spat up blood. Ares scanned her.

Olympus:his body is dying. She can't keep this up

Ares:I'm not done yet...keep her busy!

Frost:ah shit. Alright we hold the line, buy Ares as much time as we can

Lyca walked toward them still smiling.

Tintin:whys she looking at me?

She rushed forward, avoiding everyone else. Tintin tried to run but, she stabbed him through the spine and out the stomach and ripped him in half, running right for Ares.


Ren fired his grapples into Lyca's back but he was pulled with her. She turned around letting Ren catch up and punched him in the stomach sending him flying. She pulled the grapples out her back.

Lyca:I ain't here for you...I'm here for him

She pointed to Ares.

Lyca:so come on! Let's-

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