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Lupin:so what's it gonna be?

Lycus looked up at his grandfather.

Lycus:I'm done...


Lycus:you heard me. I'm not fighting you or anyone else...I'm done

Lycus turned around to walk back inside.

Lupin:you can't just ignore this. You have the Wolf, you could be the strongest thing on this planet

Lycus:I don't care! I don't give a shit about being the strongest! All I want to go home!

Lupin smiled.

Lupin:I saw what you did. The hundreds you killed, I was in Vacuo at the time and I just so happened to run into Urial. Very easy to find your both quite famous...a girl was with her

Lycus tensed up.

Lupin:rabbit faunes, brown hair. Weak. They know what you did really think they'll look you in the eye after everything you-

Lupin was punched across the face by Lycus who had to jump to hit him. Lycus landed and Lupin spat blood out.

Lupin:that's it...

Lupin raised his massive arm and slammed it down toward Lycus. He thought about grabbing on but then Lycus' hair stood up on end and he back flipped away to gain distance. He was panicking, eyes frantic.

Frost:the hell?

Melissa:what's wrong with him?

Ares:I dont know...he's scared, his vitals are through the roof

Frost:Raymond with me Ares hit him from here-


Everyone looked at him.

Lycus:whatever you do don't go near him! Stay away!

Frost looked at Ares.

Frost:what does he mean?

Ares:I don't know. Olympia scan-

He then saw the spot which Lupin hit. The rock was...wasting away. Being chewd away by some black tar.

Frost:Ruby. We're moving up the timetable all of you get going

Ruby:what about you?

Frost:we'll handle Lupin get the Sceptre. Good luck


Everyone bar FLAR and Melissa left.

Frost:Ares what's with him?

Lupin:please. I'll tell you myself

He turned to them and raised his hand. The black tar that covered his hand spear to his skin and his hair turned white.

Lupin:Devour. That's my Semblance's name...and it does just that. Whatever I hit the tar spreadsheet and consumes. Even bones aren't left

Frost fired his shotgun but the pellets were consumed.

Lupin:it also provides pretty good protection. Try again?

Lupin charged forward and everyone moved out the way as he slammed his foot down.

Frost:get some distance!

They all were forced to back away.

Raymond:so we can't shoot him and we can't touch him any other bright ideas?

Ares:one. Lycus can you get mad?

Lycus:fuck off!


Melissa:I already tried he's packing enough muscle to resist

Ares:shit. Well I'm out of ideas

Frost:I ain't!

Frost used his Semblance and froze Lupins legs in place.



He slid and kicked in Lupins feet making him fall.

Ares:what are you planing?

Frost smirked.

Frost:Lycus Raymond with me

They gathered.

Frost:ice armour. Raymond you strengthen I'll make it. Lycus you can hit him now

He made Lycus gauntlets and leg gaurds made of ice and Raymond strengthened the dust in them.

Frost:go get em

Lycus went stage 1 and ran in.

Frost:Ares, Melissa keep Lycus going. He can't take much of this

Ares:got it

They began using their Semblances. The four of them boosted Lycus. Lupin stood up only to be hit across the face by Lycus. Lupin was hut so hard he slid across the ground and spat out blood.

Lupin:now that's a punch! Too bad you can't do it without your little team

Lycus:y'know I learned...that you can't do everything on your own

He looked back at his team and then back at Lupin.

Lycus:and if you or anyone hurts the people I care'll pay in blood

He charged toward Lupin.


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