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So once lycus' mother arrived and chased us off me and Raymond went for a night walk through campus just to have some time for ourselves and have a pseudo date

Raymond: So does this count as a first date?

Frost: If you'd like it to be

I was so nervous I'd never felt this way about a person before I'm usually to much of an arsehole to go farther than freinds but this time. This time it will work. I just hope I didn't fuck that up

Raymond: Yes,yes I'd like that very much


Frost: Fuck I don't know what to say now.

Raymond: How about let's just walk and talk about what we like about each other because I quite like you and I know you like me. And before you ask it was obvious from when I we first met With you having no idea what to say and blushing like you were a tomato

Frost: I knew it was obvious but I was hoping you wouldn't notice

Raymond: It was so obvious,I refer back to my "blushing like a tomato" comment

I then proceed to blush like the previously mentioned tomato proving his point

Raymond: Hahaha there we go red in the face once again

We ended up walking and talking for quite a while until we reached a balcony with a stone railing and a street light over us with good view of Amity arena while we're just leaning on the railing

Frost: Oh hush you,you don't know what you do to me

Raymond then started to get closer until we were face to face

Raymond: Actually I think I do. Would you Frost White be my boyfriend?

I just go for a kiss which Raymond reciprocated

Frost: How's that for an answer?

Raymond: That's good enough for me

We go for another kiss but something ruins the moment we see people panicking and hear screaming happening not just from Amity arena but to the rest of beacon as well we knew this wasn't good news I called the rest of the team to inform them of the panic and possible attack on Beacon  and to sping into action ASAP

Frost: Tonight's gonna be a long night...

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