"huh? rock monsters? "

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"Ugh! This is so fucking irritating! Every time I turn around there's nothing but rocks, sharp and pointy rocks!" I whined and looked around again.

As I looked around more, the more I notice that the rocks seemed to be coming closer and closer to me.

'Eh? Is it just my imagination or are those rocks coming closer to me?' I thought and blinked multiple times.

'Yeah, this is freaking me out a bit so I'll just hurry up and leave this place' I said to myself and quickened my pace.

I took a quick glance at my back to see that the rocks really did move, having tiny little legs to carry them as they chased me.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled and took of running. I then look back to see them still chasing me, multiple small legs sounding on the ground as they chased me.

I did a zig zag and took a sharp turn on the left before I can finally see the rocks thinning down. I can also finally see trees.

"Yes! I'm safe!" I cheered as I reached the edge of the forest. I didn't stop running until there was a good distance between me and the forest edge.

I did a happy dance on my mind when I saw that the rock monsters didn't bother to chase me.

"Yes, now I can finally go and search for some food. I'm starving!" I said and began to cautiously walk.

After a few moments of searching I finally found a group of small bunny like creatures. Sure they do look like bunnies but judging by the size, they were twice or three times bigger than normal bunnies.

Their fur color were also different, with the mix of pink, purple and blue in them. "Huh, so they're called pixie bunnies? Well that's an odd and cute name" I mumbled.

"But as cute as they look, I need to kill them for food" I muttered before pouncing on the nearest pixie bunny from my place.

It seems like I startled the other bunnies as I did so, I sunk my fangs on the neck of the bunny. It kicked and struggle for a bit before it went limb.

I was about to cheer that I got myself some food when I heard several small growls. I look in front of me to see the pixie bunnies baring their teeth at me.

'Well I'll take this as a cue for me to leave' I thought before running away with the dead bunny on my mouth. Several speaks followed after me, making it known that the remaining pixie bunnies were chasing after me.

'Damn the may look cute but it seems like that they're also annoying" I whined but it was muffled due to the bunny on my mouth.

I quickly looked around, trying to find a suitable tree for me to climb and eat my food in peace. 'Ah there!' I thought and quickly shot up a thread so that I can easily get up.

Climbing at a sturdy and strong tree branch, I looked down to see that the bunnies were still there. I stared at them for a few more seconds before returning my attention back at the food I have.

"Thank you for the food!" I claps my two hands together before I started to eat. "Hmm, taste like normal meat to me" I continued to chew on the meat.

"But it does get tastier with every bite" I mumbled and quickly finished the bunny. "Eh?! My sp isn't still full after eating that?" I questioned.

I let out a huff before I look down, seeing that the bunnies were still there, seemingly glaring at me with their bluish red eyes.

'Yikes that's scary' I thought. 'Maybe I should for a few more minutes, give them time to calm down a bit' I retreated back at the edge of the branch I was on.

After a few minutes, some of the bunnies began to leave. 'Yess! Now all I need to do is wait for a few more seconds till I can grab another one' I smiled but instantly regretted it.

"Eh?! How the fuck did this bunnies get so many?!" I asked as I watched the bunnies that left a couple of seconds ago come back with more bunnies.

Soon, the ground around the tree I was in was covered bunnies. 'Ah fuck. It feels like I repetead what I did with the goblins on the last floor' I thought as I looked around, trying to find a way to escape.

"Well I do have enough stamina to create webs. Maybe I can try to reduce their numbers little by little? I mean that'll be free food for me" I mumbled.

"Yeah I have decided, I'll try to eat you all!" I declared as I looked down at the bunnies. This seems to only rile them up more as some began to claw and chew on the tree bark.

"The fuck? I thought they were bunnies!" I hissed as I quickly shot up a web towards the next tree.

"Welp, so much for declaring to eat them all" I said as I run away. A few bunnies chased after me while I run.

"Ahh this is the worst day ever! Who would have thought that these cute bunnies would chase me after I killed one of their kind!" I whined as narrowly Dodge a small speck of glittered ball of light.

"They can use magic?!" I exclaimed.


Hello! I'm so sorry I took so long to update this story! Please do leave a vote and comment if you did enjoy this chapter.

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