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"Ah fuck this!" I cried out as the creature still chased me, or should I say the dragon kept on chasing me.

I only assumes it to be a dragon base on it's appearance similar to those of a dragon, minus the large wings.

'It has wings yet it didn't fly?' I thought and continue to blindly run around. Just then a screen pop out of me.

{ WARNING! Stamina is running low }

"Huh?!" I asked a bit confused on what it meant but after a few seconds later I know why, my running speed seems to decrease a bit.

"You gotta be kidding me!" I whined out and made a sharp turn to the left, hoping that I can finally make it out of the flower field.

"Ha! Finally!" I huffed and turned around, trying to see if the dragon was still chasing me or not.

Thankfully it wasn't now. "Finally, some rest" I sighed in relief as I slump down the floor.

"Ugh I'm getting hungry just by all the running" I mumbled and looked around, trying to see if I can find any easy targets.

I continue to look around on the same spot, looking for anything. But as I continue to stand there, buzzing sounds began to reach my ear making me look around for the source.

I grew confused since I didn't find anything at all as I looked around, yet the buzzing sounds still continued.

'Wait don't tell me' I thought and looked up, seeing a swarm of bees coming at me from above.

"Eek! I let out a small yelp as I ran away. "This is bad, real bad! My stamina is running low and here I am being chased down by a swarm of bees" I grumbles out as I continue to run away from the bees.

"This day couldn't get any worse" I said as I made a sharp turn to the right, only to be met with another swarm of bees.

"Dammit I just jinxed it!" I cursed out as I yelped in pain as one of the bees stinger hit my back.

"Ouch" I mumbled and run away again.
I can feel the numbness in my back as I continue to run.

"Ugh don't tell me this damn bees have some paralysis attack" I mumbled as the numbness began to spread to my butt.

Lucky I found a hole on a tree, it was big enough for me to fit inside and small enough not to let any of the bees in.

"That was closed" I sighed in relief as I stared at the entrance where the bees were still gathering at.

"I'm getting sleepy" I mumbled before I slowly closed my eyes, hoping that when I wake up the bees would be gone.

[... ]

I let out a small yawn as I slowly opened my eyes. I then listened if the bees were still there.

'Should I take a peek?' I thought as I look outside and not seeing the bees. 'But that can be a risk, what if they're there and just waiting for me to come out?' I thought as I look at my back.

"It still stings but not that much like earlier" I mumbled as I slightly rub the side of my back.

"Ugh scratch that, even if the bees are still there I can just use my skill" I mumbled as slowy made my way to the entrance.

I slowly peeked my head out and look left and right and above. Once I saw that it was clear I heave out a sigh of relief.

"Finally they aren't here but I'm still hungry" I said and looked around. Just as I was about to fully step of I heard another buzzing sound making me look around.

I then noticed a lone bee flying around. 'Seems like it still hasn't noticed me yet, and why is it alone?' I thought and waited if there were any more bees around but there weren't.

"Hmm, since it's just a lone bee I'm sure I can capture it. Just need it to be close enough for me to use my threads" I mumbled and began waving my hand.

"Hey mister bee over here!" I said making the bee look at me and charge straight at me.

"Okay here goes nothing" I mumbled as I turned around and shot my thread at the bee.

The bee fell down as it struggle around, trying to break free. "Hehe got myself a free meal" I smiled as I began pulling the thread as the bee kept on struggling.

"Now that I notice it, it's color is more darker than an average bee. Plus it's also big" I mumbled as the bee was finally in front of me.

"Oh well, free food" I said and sunk my fangs on it, making it struggle a bit more before it finally died.

"Thanks you for the food!" I smiled as I began eating the bee. "Hmm, weird taste but eh it's bearable" I grumbled as I finished the bee quickly.

"I wonder if my stamina has finally recovered" I said as I checked my stats.

{ stats }

Hp ➪ 32/32
Mp ➪ 35/35
Sp ➪ 40/40
Def ➪ 20
Attk ➪ 18


thread manipulation - lv 2
poison fang - lv 2
acid spray - lv 1
poison resistance - lv 1
Skill store

{.... }

'Skill store?' I thought as I tap the skill to see the information.

{ skill - skill store}

{ a unique skill that not many have. Can purchase skill using skill points. [Skill points can be earned through leveling up] }

"Oh! What a great skill!" I smiled, well I hope what I showed was a smile. "Alright let's try checking this out!" I grinned and tap the skill.


Hi~ hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter! I'm thinking of making most of the chapter long like this one so hope you guys will like it!

Leave a vote and comment and see you in the next update. Goodbye for now

I Got Reincarnated As A Spider?! ( Rewriting) Where stories live. Discover now