First Task

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"  Sometimes I can't stop myself from wanting to see you again and again

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"  Sometimes I can't stop myself from wanting to see you again and again."

y/n's pov____________

Sunday morning, one day before the first task Harry's got to do. I sat on Gryffindor table in the Great Hall as I ate my breakfast with Hermione and Ron.

We sat quietly eating. I could hear the spoons, forks and knifes clicking against the bowls and plates. I could hear the mumbles of other stupids. All of it seems so loud. Very loud.

" So, " Hermione started trying to break the silance. " did you make things right with Harry? " She continued clearly mentioning the topic to Ron.

He placed his fork down and looked at me before tunring to Hermione.  " No, and I'm not really intending to, yet. " He replied. 

I sighed. " Well, erm, might as well tell you that Harry has got an idea to what he wants to do with the first task. "

" So, he knows now? " He asked.

" Yes, but he's upset you didn't bother telling him. "

" But, I did! " He exclaimed. 

" Not directly, though. Forget it. " I sighed out. " I hope he knows how to execute his plan as much as he hopes it would. "

" Speaking of which, he asked me to help him with some spell. " Hermione stated. 

Is he avoiding me? Did I make a mistake asking him to play pretend and fake date? 

. . .

I've always been told that I'm a loud thinker. I think without sharing, but I show emotion - of which Hermione noticed - ; " He asked me first because he knew that you'd say ask Hermione because of your extra classes this evening. "

I let out a sigh of relief. " Good thing you reminded me of the classes. " I thanked. These classes are made for students to take on after school time or weekends inorder to help students with diffeculties with a subject resulting in less class failures. 

" Also, what did he ask you? " I asked out of inquisitiveness.

Hermione stayed silant as she ate her food before shrugging. I looked at Ron who gazed seeming lost in thought. I ate my last spoonful of food. Hermione looked up from her plate to say something, but instead, she locked her eyes at one direction.

I looked that way. " He'd tell you. "  Hermione said. Ron snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Harry. He looked at him as if he was a little kid who forgot who and how Harry looks like.

Harry looked down at me and I looked up at him. I understood what he was asking for and got up. He grabbed my hand and started dragging me outside of the Great Hall fast. I looked back at Hermione who was grinning while Ron seemed confused.

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