The Selection

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"Don't worry about it,"

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"Don't worry about it,"

y/n's pov

Yesterday I heard a light thud of gates, while grabbing a glass of water from the table at the corner side of the common room, I presume it has to do with the ghosts or Mr. Filch as nearly headless Nick suggested, though I decided it was better not to think about it much or any deeper.


I turned my head quickly eyes wide open, since the fire was put out it was hard to really tell if anyone way there. "Did you hear that?" I muttered. I didn't understand why I was muttering when nobody was awake, or so I thought.

"I will go check." I heard a voice said.  It was the ghost of nearly headless Nick, only this time it was brightly glowing, which helped the room lighting up. "Oh, I'm sorry my dear, I didn't mean to scare you." He said standing at the hole's frame of the stairs I came down from.

"Don't worry about it," I replied assuring him. "I- Is it, uhm, Normal for ghosts to stroll around Hogwarts?" I asked him. 

"Not really, we usually act dead or come to make sure you all are asleep." nearly headless Nick replied. I slowly put down the glass of water on the table confused."Maybe Mr. Filch has to do with it, poor man might have collapsed on the floor again."

"I wouldn't have expected anything else, he works all the time." 

"We actually take his place when he can't do it anymore, after all we can't get tired can we?" He asked with a smile. I shrugged. "Well, goodnight my dear."

"Alright, goodnight." I replied as he was leaving.

He turned around and flew towards the wall, which is full of paintings, and made his way half way through it, before he smiled at me again and out of the common room he head.


Today we were dismissed of taking any classes, but the first two. Our first class was Herbology, which we are heading towards at the moment.

"I see you are eating again, I notice?" Ron stated what Harry was doing on our way out of Hogwarts to get to the GreenHouse where our class is.

"Food is comfort, alright? Right y/n?" Harry asked.

"It is indeed." I laughed. "Besides since when was eating food forbbiden?"

Hermione laughed, "It isn't, ask Ron on that one, he surely knows."

"Shut up!" Ron yelled. Harry started laughing at his reaction. "DId you have the nightmare Harry?"

I looked at Hermione and I quickly said,: "What nightmare Harry?" to act dumb. 

"I thought you knew-?" Ron was about to finish before Hermione put her hand on his mouth.

Harry sighed and started explaining. "Wait, so you were killed by the curse we learned, and you found yourself in a graveyard?"

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