Receiving The Letter

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"That is no way to treat a lady!"

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"That is no way to treat a lady!"

Harry's pov ـــــــ

Potions class has finished, so there was no use in going back there. I walked the halls - head to the ground - not looking at anyone. Scared of judgments, I was pushing people making my way through the crowed.

" Harry! " I heard Hermione's voice shout. I stopped and looked around. She was running towards me until she stopped breathlessly. She took a deep breath and spoke; " Where do I start?, uh, well, how did the enterview go? Did Rita annoy you? "

" The enterview was very awkward and uncomfortable. " I replied having flash - backs of it.

She sighed; " I truely don't know how you are managing ". A moment of silance fell over us.

" uh,, I will get going now, later. "

" Wait?! " she shout stopping me with a questining voice. " Where are you going? "

" To the owlery. I suppose Sirius will send a letter back today. " I replied. " Why? "

" y/n went there waiting for her owl - worried - the enterview would take a long time until it finishs. " she stated. " Well, good luck. I have to go. " she turned around a left.

I sighed and started walking my way through the halls -again- and made it out of the gates taking the stone steps. It was slightly cold at the top, as well.

I entered the owlery and found y/n standing at the frame of a window at the head room of it. Ron was standing with her. Both, Looking over everything. I walkeed back outside feeling a - little - jealous and slightly peaked from the door frame watching them from behind.

" ...I hate his guts. " Ron exclaimed looking at y/n.

Great, I walked into Ron ranting about me to y/n. " I don't get it, we made plans, and he didn't even bother to tell me he will join. "

- I felt my heart drop, felt shallow and hurt. -

" Ron, it is impossible for Harry to join by himself. " y/n started. She sighed saying ـــــــ ;

" Take Fred and George's little 'experiment' for an example, it didn't work. We both saw the results. Hermione also stated how nobody under 17 can pass the Age Line professor Dumbledore drew. Besides, the goblet is to through the needed names for the Tournament. It must have been witched. Professor Moody mentioned something about a 'Confundus Charm' which could be used to fool the goblet. Only, it has to be highly powerful to be able to truely choose Harry. "

Ron shook is head. " I really don't know what to do now. "

" Talk to him and apologize, of course! " she said putting a hand on his shoulder shaking him slightly. " Ron, you have been friends for years now. " she finished.

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