Ep.14 (Part 2)

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??? : Then who is this person that has a special place in my heart?

(Luna takes up a slight pause before she speaks again.)

Luna : Who... are you talking about?

??? : You know very well who I mean.

Luna : Kima is... not my friend.

??? : You're lying again.

Luna : I'm clearly not.

??? : Yes, you are----

Luna : She's about to be, okay?! I know from all that happened today, she would stay away from me! We can't even look each other in the eyes.

??? : But did Kima try to leave you?

Luna : She...

??? : Remember, anyone would leave you when you're in that situation, yet she didn't. She just hesitated, because she didn't want to blame you.

Luna : How would you know? You know nothing!

??? : I don't know, too. I'm just stating your hopes.

Luna : I don't have such hopes.

??? : Then, let me ask you this. Is dying really what you want to do from the bottom of your heart?

Luna : ...

??? : I am confused with your intentions. Your words doesn't resemble to what your heart echoes. You actually don't want to die. You want to stay, with her.

(Once again, Luna can't refute back. It's such a strange occurrence where a peculiar reflection gave her a pep talk and changing her decisions in life. Luna never thought about being happy again, it stuck to her mind that even the smallest mistake can never be repaired back to what it once was. Hopeless and despair, such manifested her actions and her way of thinking.)

??? : I'll ask you again, do you want to go back?

(Luna still keeps herself embedded in silence, until she speaks out a soft response.)

Luna : ...do. *murmurs*

??? : What was that?

Luna : Of course... I do.

??? : Louder.

Luna : Of course I want to go back!

(From those shouted words alone, one can easily tell that deep inside Luna's heart, that's what she wanted. The lookalike of Luna puts a smile on her face as if symbolizing her sense of relief.)

??? : See? It's not that hard to be honest.

Luna : Sh-Shut up!

??? : Well, then...

(A group of shining light emanates and spreads from the mysterious person's back, casting away the darkness in the space.)

??? : I wish you a happy life.

(The person is being swallowed by the light, emitting luminance all around the surroundings. Everything is covered with the bright light, and nothing is to be heard from the sharp ears.)



(As Luna wakes up, she's greeted by the view of the white, bland ceiling.)

Luna : Mnhh....

(Slowly recovering her senses, she finds herself lying whilst covered in a white blanket on a bed. The chilly air from the aircon stuck in the high ends of the wall envelops the quiet room. The plain room mimics the silence that lingers around her. As she tries to get up, she feels something heavy in her knees. It was Kima, sitting on a chair while using her own arms to serve as pillows on Luna's body.)

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