Ep.6 (Part 2)

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(In the middle of Karenina and Skyfrost's fight, Skyfrost swung his right leg, in a motion of a kick, and brought his foot right in front of Karenina's face, putting her endless attacks to a stop.)

Karenina : !

Skyfrost : It seems there are people watching us.

(Skyfrost's sternful stare gave Luna a fright. She immediately hides behind Kima, feeling very frightened.)

Kima : Looks like the two of you are getting along to each other as ever.

Karenina : We're not getting along! We're fighting here!

Kima : Now, now, why don't you put your fight to a halt? I'd like to introduce someone.

Karenina : Introduce? You mean that shorty behind you?

Luna : U-Um... *staggering in anxiety*

Kima : Karenina, that was rude.

Karenina : But I said the truth!

Skyfrost : Hmm... Are you the new recruit?

Luna : Y-Yes, nice to meet you! I'm Luna Rayflare!

Skyfrost : Looks like I wasn't mistaken.

(He tilts his glasses upward with his center and point finger.)

Skyfrost : Nice to meet you too. I'm Skyfrost, and this is Karenina. Pardon her if she throws a tantrum every time, okay? That's just her nature.

(He faces at Karenina while introducing her.)

Luna : Um, okay.

Karenina : What was that?!

Skyfrost : Tone down your voice, Karenina. I only said a fact. Also, you're scaring the new member.

(Luna was indeed scared, her slightly facing down explains it. Karenina notices it, and felt a sense of guilt.)

Karenina : ...

Karenina : Ugh, fine.

(She reluctantly retreats back her haughty attitude.)

Kima : I need to call the others. Are they all here?

Karenina : Yeah.

Kima : Then...

(Kima approaches to a red button on top of the tables, having the intention to press it.)

Kima : If I remember it right, this should gather everyone here.

(Kima presses the button and everything blacked out. Fleeting the pause may be, the silence and emptiness made it sound like the existence of life disappeared on its own. As their vision went back to normal, all of the crew were already sitting together in Cafeteria. Some were surprised, and some were nonchalant.)

Edelweiss : Aw... I was almost close at dissecting the crystals.

Aero : Ughh... For a second, I thought I died...

(Gemi and Reini, who are twins, hugged at each other in a shaky manner, as if the sudden teleportation scared the hell out of them.)

Aether : Kima, what the heck are you doing?! I was almost done with my report!

Kima : Pardon me for not knowing that.

Kres : So, why did you call us all here?

Kima : Oh, that's because...

Aero : Who's that one beside you, Kima?

Edelweiss : My, are you the new recruit?

(When Edelweiss raised the question to Luna, all of the crew had their eyes on the new recruit.)

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