Ep.11 (Part 1)

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(Once they all exited the room after fixing all what is needed, they saw Karenina on the hallway carrying a toolbox walking towards their way without her designated partner.)

[Scene : Hallway outside Locker Room]

Aero : Karenina? Why are you here? And without Sky with you as well.

Karenina : That four-eyes told me to go on ahead because he had to do something first in Launchpad. I insisted to stay but he kept shrugging me off.

Gemi : Well, you could just go with us if that's the case.

Karenina : I'll take your offer, then.

(Before she joins in the group, she was stopped by Aero.)

Aero : Hold your horses, Karenina. Kres might not be happy with that. You just left Sky there and he's now alone. You really think he would be okay if he's by himself now? What if Sky's the next target? Or worse, he could be the impostor.

(Aero wasn't really the cautious type, but now that his life, along with his crewmates, are on the line, he can't afford to stay unguarded as always.)

Karenina : That's...

Aero : Aside from that, he didn't tell you what he was about to do back there, right? That's even more suspicious.

Karenina : Goddammit, that idiot!

(Karenina immediately dashes back to Launchpad, where Skyfrost was left alone. Before she disappears in the scene...)

Aero : Wait, we'll go with you!

(Soon as he said that, he also ran to the direction Karenina was taking.)

Karenina : Do as you wish!

(Her reply fades out in the hallway as she takes the turn and completely vanishes from the group's sight. The three who are left standing at the hallway also decides to catch up with them.)

Gemi : Let's go, too!

Luna : Y-Yeah!

(The group also started to run to keep up with those who had an early headstart. As they take the next turn that leads to a long hallway connecting to the Launchpad area, everything turns into nothingness, as if a movie had died down. Not for long, before Luna realizes it, she was already sitting with the other crewmates in the tables in Cafeteria. Looks like they were teleported once again.)

[Scene : Cafeteria]

(Luna was still slightly panting from all the running they did. Not only that, she kept panting as she was also surprised from the sudden teleportation, and so was the others who also dashed.)

Luna : Hah...hah...

Karenina : Who pressed... the fricking button?

Edelweiss : Oh, it was me. Wait, why do you look so tired?

Aero : Nothing special. Anyway, why did you gather us here?

Edelweiss : My reason isn't entirely important, but I'm just worried if there was another dead person again. Well, I'm glad that no one died.

(Edelweiss glances at her crewmates to confirm that none of them were killed and all of them were in good shape.)

Karenina : More importantly...

Karenina : You good?

Skyfrost : Huh?

(Karenina looks over at Skyfrost who sat at the corner of the left side and the one they were very concerned about.)

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