Ep.1 (Part 1)

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Season 1 : The Dawn of Deadly Deceptions

Season 1 : The Dawn of Deadly Deceptions

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(In the middle of space, where countless stars are visible to the naked eye, a spacecraft carried by its thrusters makes its way back to MIRA.)

[Scene : Turtle II - Cafeteria]

Aimer (Red - Male) : Congratulations on our success of the mission in Planet Deagon!

Aimer : Without further ado, cheers!

Everyone : Cheers!!

(The whole crew of Team Freya held a celebration which regards to their completion of the mission. All of the members went wild and treated themselves with the luxurious feast presented in front of them. It was all thanks to a team on Planet Deagon for providing this bountiful gift. Even though the amount of food was a lot, their party ended sooner than expected. Cleaning up was all they had to do before they could relax again, though some of the members can't help because of how full their stomach is.)

Melan (Brown - Female) : I'm so full...

Reyna (Blue - Female) : A feast after a mission...is so great!

Melan : I know, right? We've been carrying things for 2 days straight back in Planet Deagon. I'm so beat right now...

Meteor (Cyan - Male) : I'm so thankful of them for giving us a feast so we can replenish our energy.

Reyna : Not to mention, you eat way too fast like a greedy pig! Hahaha!

Meteor : Geh, you can just forget about that, Reyna.

(The person in a cyan astronaut suit replied with a groaning tone. Shortly after their talk, the leader of the team announced something.)

Aimer : So, let's get to work!

(Silence overtook the room in an instant.)

Everyone : Eh??

(Everyone was confused from the sudden announcement.)

Reyna : What do you mean let's get to work?

Aimer : Ah, sorry...I forgot to explain.

Aimer : You see, Turtle II has been used for almost 3 years. Its system is still functioning but it looks like it's about to break down soon. Hah, I always forgot to announce to fix the skeld. So I thought how about we repair some of the systems that needs to be fixed here?

Mayven (Lime - Male) : Now that you've mentioned it, some things around here looks a bit rusty.

Aimer : Exactly. Thankfully Cleis, from the Andromeda Division, informed me about this.

Cosmos (Pink - Female) : Ehhh?? I don't wanna work againnn...

Aimer : Cosmos, I understand how you feel, but we must repair this old ship to make it function continuously. Or else, we'll be stuck here in the middle of the space.

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