Ep.10 (Part 2)

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(Back when Luna was still in university, she was still a lone wolf, especially in class. Just when she gathered the motivation she needs to help her make friends, Luna missed the opportunity to act after seeing all of her classmates already formed their own circles since she was caught up in a car accident and missed on attending the first weeks of school by staying in the hospital.)

(It was no doubt that Luna was feeling depressed about it, knowing that she now has another period of loneliness. Although some of her classmates can hold a conversation with her, but in terms of bond, none of them stayed for long.)

(During lunchtime, she heads to her favorite eating spot which is at the lone tree on a small lawn in the cornermost part of the campus. Of course, it was to be expected that she eats alone as well. The soothing scent of the passing wind is what relaxes her mood and the reason why she loved going here every lunchtime.)

(On random occasions, she would cry in the middle of chewing her food because of how her anxiety affects her entire life. It's as if the wind's comforting embrace made her cry in sadness. Even in her room, she would cry so loud that her father could hear her clearly behind the walls.)

(As a parent of Luna, he was very worried that this could go on forever, so her father forced himself and told her that after she graduates, Luna would work in a space company called MIRA.)

(For taking a job in a huge company heavily focusing on discovering the wonders in space, she wanted to refuse so bad since she doesn't have any major experience about astronomy nor even at least have considerable knowledge about science, in fact, she hates science in every of her classes.)

(But her father had a more absolute will, and imposed this job to her daughter regardless of inexperience. It was so Luna can develop her interaction skills and overcome her extreme anxiety by being inside of a team. Why in MIRA out of all jobs, you might ask? Simply put, her father also works in here and it was so he could monitor her daughter anytime without having him left worried.)

(He was full aware that he was not considering her daughter's wants and decisions, but he had to do it, for the sake of Luna to stop her everyday agony. As she reluctantly walks to her division after taking the job and the two-month space training, she had little hope on making a good connection between her teammates.)

(Suprisingly, she met a crew member even before she entered the team's sector, and made that person her first friend. That person was Kima. Luna felt less nervous during her first day because of how Kima supports her from the back.)

(She was also the reason why Luna didn't have a hard time on dealing with her other teammates. Even though it was just a day, she already had a special place in Luna's heart. For a person who's lonely in their entire life, they can't help but receive and cherish the fateful gift they have right now.)

(And now that this curent predicament came in, they act as if they didn't know each other. It was the fault of fear of uncertainty, it can't be avoided as a food for thought since Aether's death was just perfect for the both of them to at least blame each other. And Luna is afraid that their friendship would never restore again.)

(While all of those are running in Luna's mind, she didn't notice Aero was calling her, until during the fourth call. His voice gradually echoes louder in her ears the more he calls her name.)

[Scene : Communications Room]

Aero : ...Luna!

Luna : Huh? Oh, sorry. My mind was in space for a bit...

Aero : Focus on fixing those wires. Gemi is already done with his part.

Luna : R-Right on it.

(Luna recovers from her reverie and hurriedly fixes the damaged wires using the knowledge of how Kima did it earlier. Though, it was expected that it took longer since she was new at this kind of thing. She even made Aero help her in the end.)

Aero : Your hands were too stiff; nonetheless, I can't blame you as a new-timer.

Luna : I-I'll do my best on the next one.

Aero : Let's go, everyone.

(As they're about to leave the room...)

Gemi : Wait.

Aero : Hm? What is it, Gemi?

Gemi : Haven't you noticed that most of the wires we've fixed till now were cut in a way that a person did it?

Aero : Now that you said it, I noticed it too.

Luna : Mine as well.

Kima : I was also about to report that to Kres.

Aero : Seems like this is no coincidence. The impostor must've done this when we weren't looking. Let's report this later, we only have less time to be in here.

(They walked outside, leaving the room with no sound. The four of them went to the next set of wires to be fixed, which is in front of the entrance of the decontamination chamber in Locker Room.)

[Scene : Locker Room]

Aero : Okay, there are 6 electric boxes here, meaning all of them. I'll take two of them and Kima will also too. Luna and Gemi, you'll only handle one.

Luna : Right!

Kima : You can count on me.

(In the midst of Luna fixing the damaged wires, her thoughts start to run wild again thinking and worrying about their relationship with Kima.)

Luna's mind : ...

(Although her thoughts were incomprehensible, it seemed like Luna gathered the resolve to approach Kima and talk about something.)

Luna : Kima, I...

(Kima turns around in confusion to see whom the voice belonged to, and all she saw was a face struggling to say something.)

Kima : ?

(Despite having the determination of a coward, all she was able to say was...)

Luna : No, nevermind....

(Luna quickly turns the opposite side and walked a few steps back, accompanied by fear and anxiety. Kima didn't feel the need to hear what she has to say since she was also afraid inside, thus, she frowns and also looks to the other side. Coincidentally, Aero saw what happened while he was working on the wires.)

Aero : ...

Aero : Gemi, come here for a sec.

Gemi : Is there something you want to tell me?

(Gemi closes his distance from Aero as he asks the question.)

Aero : Strangely enough, I sense no hostility from the two, even though they're possible suspects.

(Aero lowered his voice as a sign that he wants this to be discussed privately with Gemi. He understood the signal and played along with Aero.)

Gemi : Same. I feel like neither of them are the impostors. *quiet*

Aero : Where did you base that from?

Gemi : Intuition, maybe?

Aero : Must be nice to rely everything on what you feel.

Gemi : Hey, that's rude! Even I know when to be cautious. And heck, you just said that you used your senses!

Aero : Oh, my bad. It seems I'm also the one to talk. But...

(Aero shifts his gaze towards Luna and Kima who are still not looking and talking at each other. Gemi also did the same thing.)

Aero : When you look at them, all I feel is... pity.

Aero : But, be that as it may, I still need to be careful from these two. They're assumed suspects, after all.

Gemi : Whatever suits you, I guess.

[To Be Continued]

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