Ep.10 (Part 1)

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(Kres immediately inputs a specific code in the micro keyboard attached at his left sleeve and everything blacked out as if they fell into an abyssal void. Few seconds later, their vision was back to normal and are now with the whole team in the Cafeteria.)

[Scene : Cafeteria]

Aero : Ugh, I'm getting dizzy from all this teleporting... Gemi, are you okay?

Gemi : Yeah, somehow...

Skyfrost : That was nothing to me.

(Skyfrost pushes up his glasses with his center finger. Yet despite the brave speech, one couldn't help but feel spooked from the abrupt teleportation.)

Karenina : You're shaking, you butthead.

Edelweiss : Hey. Answer my question.

(For Edelweiss who's unfazed, she continues to interrogate the two possible suspects.)

Edelweiss : Did both of you just kill Aether?

Karenina : Eh? What?

Aero : Someone died?!

(Even in Cafeteria or away from the dead body, Luna and Kima still didn't say anything. They were entrapped by loud thoughts in their heads, keeping their attention away from reality.)

Luna's mind : It can't be Kima, right...?

Kima's mind : Luna...wouldn't blatantly kill Aether just like that, yeah?

Kres : Hey, Edelweiss is asking you a question. Did both of you kill Aether?

(This time, they heard the question. In sync, Luna and Kima instantly stands up, slams the table with both hands, and said the following.)

Luna & Kima : No! It wasn't me!

(Hearing both of their answers, they look each other in the eyes again, more confused than earlier.)

Luna's mind : Did she just say it wasn't her?

Kima's mind : I can't tell if she's lying...

Skyfrost : Um, if I may...

(Skyfrost interrupts the mood with his voice.)

Skyfrost : I have a reason to believe that the both of them are not the impostors.

Kres : And what is that reason?

Skyfrost : When they answered Edelweiss's question, neither of them blamed each other and only justified their own selves. Usually impostors would blame someone the instant they're caught.

Kres : That is an interesting point.

Edelweiss : But they were the only ones in the room. It's impossible that none of them did it.

Skyfrost : You two. Did you, by any chance, hear anything before the kill happened? Like some faint footsteps or breathing?

Kima : Let me recall back...

Luna : I feel like we didn't hear----

(Before Luna was fully sure, she suddenly recalled a moment where she heard something during the blackout.)

Luna : A metal creaking noise...?

Kima : Yes! We heard a metal creaking during the blackout!

Kres : So you did hear something.

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