˗ˏˋ t w e l v e ˎˊ˗

104 2 0

warning: sexual content and scene, read with caution!


the ride was silent. their manager picked them up and was currently driving them to the dorms. chenle kept thinking about what jisung said earlier, he felt his heart flutter once again. was he being serious?

meanwhile, jisung glanced over to the older male that was a seat away from him. chenle sat by the window, staring outside with his cheek resting against his palm, deep in thought.

jisung only realised how much he'd been staring when chenle turned to look at him and caught him red handed. chenle decided to tease him, "take a picture, it lasts longer." he grinned. but jisung shook his head.

"i'd rather look at you in person, a camera can't capture all your beauty." he told as he checked the older out, unconciously licking his lips. chenle turned beet red and tried to push him, but he turned aside, making chenle fall forward.

jisung quickly catched him, "careful, i don't want you getting hurt while falling for me." chenle huffed, "what's with you and your pickup lines?" the younger chuckled before replying. "i'm taking our deal seriously, and i know you like it."

chenle felt his heart skip a beat, he bit his lip to prevent himself from smiling to much. he looked away, going back to staring out of the window into the distance. jisung saw this and laughed, finding him adorable.

they arrived at the dorms and knocked on the door, knowing someone inside will open it for them. what they didn't expect is taeyong being the one to open the door. the leader smiled at them and let them inside.

"hello! how was practice?" he asked the two. despite wondering why he was at their dorm, jisung replied while smiling back, "it went well. i stayed a bit longer to perfect everything, which is why we're later than the others."

taeyong frowned upon hearing this, "i saw you practice two weeks ago, you were already amazing. it's okay to have a slip-up, it doesn't mean you're bad." but jisung huffed quietly, "says you, you're always perfect." he mumbled.

"what was that?" 
"nothing, hyung."

the three of them walked into the living room, chenle was immediately tackled into a hug by someone. once he recognised who it was, he hugged back. "chenle! nice to see you again!"

"we saw each other last week, kun-ge. but why are you at our dorm?" he replied after they broke the hug. kun shrugged, "why not? are we not allowed to be here? he crossed his arms. chenle snickered at him, "of course you are, just asking."

he looked behind kun and saw jeno sitting on doyoung's lap on as they played a game on their phones, donghyuck and taeil were talking together as they sat next to them on the couch. jaemin and ten were also on their phones, probably playing with jeno and doyoung. sicheng had renjun's head in his lap as they were talking in chinese, while mark was talking in english with johnny.

meanwhile, when kun was hugging chenle, yuta came up to jisung and placed an arm over his shoulders and ruffled his hair, "welcome back, go take a shower and come sit with us!" he told.

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