04| The half brother

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      I pulled my overall strap over my shoulder, my hair was still curled from the night before

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I pulled my overall strap over my shoulder, my hair was still curled from the night before. I grabbed my hot pink mug from my nightstand and stood right back in front of my mirror with my head tilted, no matter how much I think I've healed, it never be enough, I'll never forget that night. All I could smell today was lavender and cedar wood, and I hated that it only took one single night and he's all I could think about.

Maybe I'm thinking about him because he looked horrible, I hate him but I'll always love him and I know deep down if I don't help him, I'll regret it forever.

I grabbed my purse off my bed and walked downstairs, my mom was cooking her famous pancakes while my dad chopped up some of her favorite fruits. I slid across the island table with a sweet smile against my lips, my dad lifted his eyes to meet mine.

"What is it, babydoll?" He asked, sensing something suspicious with my smile.

"I know I promised Rhodes Saturday breakfast fest but I also promised to grab coffee with a friend." I said, my smile only grew bigger knowing well enough about my dad's weak spot.

My mom turned around with a hand on her hip, she isn't as easy to trick. "Loren, we haven't had a Saturday morning in four years."

"I know, I know but I'll make it up to you guys, I promise." I said, pouting my lips while holding my pinky up towards both my parents.

Pinky promising is sacred in our family, when I was a little girl we'd always make pinky promises for even the littlest things, it makes me feel safe and it's something I've created with my parents. It's our tradition along with many others, I hope one day I'll be able to make small things into beautiful things for my kids just like my parents did for me. My mom looped her pinky with mine and kissed my hand, and I reached over to give her the biggest hug ever.

I hate that I'm lying to them, I hate that I can't tell them who I'm meeting, and I hate that it's been like this for years. Driving to our regular cafe shop felt weird, the last time I saw my brother I was a kid not I'm an adult who doesn't like lying to her parents about something so stupid. Bodhi and my parents have a strange relationship and my dad never wanted us to have a relationship at all because he was afraid my brother might turn me against them so I've been lying, I've had a relationship with my brother since I was 13.

I locked my door and headed inside the cafe, I walked towards our normal booth in the corner near an open window. My brother stood up immediately, he looked the same as he did four years ago.

"Wow, look who's all grown up now." Bodhi said, his arms wrapped around my back pulling me closer to his chest.

"That's what hitting 20 does for you." I said, laughing and squeezing him back even harder.

We pulled apart and sat back down at the table, he had already ordered my waffles with chocolate and whipped cream along with my chai tea latte. My brother is the opposite, his order is black coffee and scrambled eggs and only two slices of bacon super toasted.

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