01 | The betrayal

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Four years ago

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Four years ago

    I exhaled very quietly, my reflection stared back at me in the mirror. My mom finished clipping my very dainty yellow diamond necklace around my neck, my ginger hair was pulled back in a very elegant bun with pieces of curls hanging out. My eyes trailed over my pale yellow dress that was silk with a very low cut in front and a huge cut out in the back revealing my beauty marks all across my skin.

My mom was standing beside me completely gushing over my appearance, my smile has always reminded her of my father who was probably pacing back and forth downstairs.

"You look so beautiful." My mom clasped her hands together and brought them to her lips.

It's prom tonight and my parents have never felt more complicated with their emotions, my dad wanted to keep me home and tuck me away in a blanket and my mom wanted that too but she also wants me to have every high school experience she never had. My life is so unique and my parents make it that way, my mother is the strongest woman I know and I'm proud to be her daughter even though sometimes it comes with a price but my father, he's the nicest soul I'll ever come across, he loves his family so fiercely.

We made it to the stairs, my eyes scanned downstairs looking for Rhys but he was nowhere to be found. My boyfriend wasn't here, he hasn't answered my phone calls since last night after our argument about my long-distance college. I know he's scared so am I but we can make long-distance work, I love him enough to fight for us.

"I tried calling him, he didn't answer, sweetheart." My dad says, softly.

My lips clamped together tightly, this was hard, especially on a night that was supposed to be so special for me. I wanted to cry, this felt like the end of us and I hated that feeling because I'd been clinging so tightly to him afraid he'd leave me. I tried my best to act like I wasn't hurt and put on my best smile, the same smile my mother and I had in common.

"He's probably working." I said, trying to cover my disappointment. I knew he wasn't working, he had taken this entire week off just to support me tonight.

My mom and dad took many pictures of me from many different angles, they both couldn't stop hugging and kissing each other. I know that they both are so proud of how far we've come, every twist and turn they have loved me unconditionally without any restraints along with loving each other so deeply. I wish I had what they have, sometimes I think I do but then other times I feel so lonely and lost.

There was a knock on the door, hope flared inside me and it even flared inside my parents I saw it written all over their faces. My dad opened the door, and my head peeked over his shoulder just like I was a kid all over again. My best friend stood outside dressed in a tux with a bouquet of my favorite flowers, he was quite literally the perfect image of sunshine and I was the polar opposite.

"Glenn." I whispered, it was shocking to see him here, especially since the last time we spoke I chose someone that wasn't him. Glenn is my childhood best friend, we've known each other since kindergarten and I've always seen him as a friend but he's always seen me as more.

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