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"But where is Luz now?" the little girl asked, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Wasn't there a happy ending?"

Amity gave a sad smile as she pondered the question. "Sometimes, not everyone gets a happy ending," she replied. "After Luz defeated the Emperor, what happened to her remains a mystery. Some believe she is trapped in her own world, fighting to find a way back to her loved ones. Others think she has passed on, her soul finally finding peace after years of relentless battles."

The inquisitive little boy chimed in, wanting to hear Amity's perspective. "What do you think happened to her, Miss Amity?"

Amity's voice filled with a tinge of sadness as she responded, "I believe that Luz's journey isn't yet complete. Despite all she fought for, I think she is still trying to find her place in this world."

"Like a new beginning?" another child asked, their eyes sparkling with wonder.

Amity nodded, a gentle smile gracing her lips. "Yeah, something like that."

As the tears welled up in Amity's eyes, she glanced up at the clock. 

Amity quickly wiped her tears away, then clapped her hands, signalling the end of their time together. "That's it for today, children."

The children groaned in disappointment, but Amity reassured them, "Don't worry, I'll see you all again next week." 

"See you next time, Miss Amity!" 

With a wave goodbye, the children left with their parents.

Amity's smile faded as she gazed at a photo of herself and Luz taken two years ago at the fairgrounds. It had been a day that Luz had sworn wasn't a date, but they both knew it was something more.

"Still trying to find my way in this world?" a familiar voice chuckled from behind Amity.

Startled, Amity spun around, her smirk fading into disbelief. "Well, you are still pretty cluele-"

Amity's words caught in her throat as she locked eyes with Luz through the looking glass mirror in the corner of her room. It was Luz, but different. Her body had grown, towering over Amity with elegant wings protruding from her back. Feathers adorned her body, creating the illusion of a dress, reminiscent of her titan form. Her ears were elongated and pointed, with tufts of dark brown hair peeking out. Untamed and wild, her hair matched the untamed look. Instead of the whites of her eyes, midnight black took their place, allowing her piercing hazel irises to shine through. Her hands and feet had transformed into talon-like appendages, completing the extraordinary sight.

"Um..." Amity stammered, her face flushed red as she took in the sight of her transformed girlfriend. "New look?" she managed to squeak out.

Luz chuckled, clearly enjoying Amity's reaction. "Yeah, you like it?" she asked, a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

Amity could only nod dumbly, her mind racing to process the incredible transformation before her.

Luz's smile widened, and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

Amity watched with fascination as Luz's body began to shrink, her wings and feathers disappearing. In a matter of seconds, Luz returned to her normal self.

Luz opened her eyes, looking down at her body with amazement. "Yes, it worked!" she exclaimed.

"Wow, you've learned so much since we last spoke two months ago," Amity said, a small smile playing on her lips.

Luz's face lit up with pride. "Yeah, being up on the knee for those two months really helped. The magic up there was incredibly strong. I spent countless days meditating and reconnecting with the magic, and it made a huge difference."

Witches Among Humans (TOH)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz