Part 1

14 2 3

Winter morning makes everyone a little lazy and for the student it is most. The class is going to start . Everyone was chatting, some was half sleepy. A girl was looking at sky with a frown. Feeling a smack was she looked at that person but seeing the person she again looked at sky

"Yah, dumbo who is there huh that you are looking at sky like a heartbroken lover"

"You will not understand , i am missing Professor Malik. Why does he have to transfer now? I wish he could have been here, he was like a father figure to me. He adored me so much."

"Tahra you can't say like that everyone deserves a better option. Mr. Malik also got job in a reputated school , then why he will not go. Even we are at the last year. Don't worry the new teacher will also be good."

"I know fana but..... its ok" 

"Thats like my dumbo"

"I amn't dumbo'' Tahra said while pouting.

"Don't pout you look like a little baby duck"

Soon a person in formal getup entered the room and every student stand up as they knew the first class would be with the new teacher. All the girl started fangirling over the person. 

''Introduction will be later first we will go for attendance." a deep voice was heard making every girl heartbeat first.

''Roll 1"

"Present sir"

"Roll 2....................." Like this he finished the attendance and looked up as he was taking whole attendance while looking down. He said with a smile

"Good morning class , as you all know i am your new English teacher. My name is Zaayan Khan. You can call me Professor Zaayan or Professor Khan. Now lets start with you guys, start from first bench"

Everyone was introducing themselves, but the girl of last bench seemed to lost in the professor so much that she didn't realize it was her time to introduce. But her bestie shake her bringing back from her dreamland. As soon as she get up she could feel the whole class was staring her even the new professor. She didn't have guts to look up so she replied looking down,

"Tahra Malik, Roll 1''

"So you are the 1 st girl , but why are the first and 2nd girl sitting in last bench"

"So that they could talk the whole class" A boy shouted making Fana curse under her breath.

"No, sir actually we didn't get seat" Fana replied.

"I think i asked someone else, so you two better keep silent"

"Sorry sir" Both of  them said

"I am telling you guys i don't like extra talking or useless topics in my class whom don't want to follow my rule can get out and yes miss Roll No.1 answer me a question. Tell me the 5 synonym of ATTENTIVE"

"I don't know " Tahra shortly replied making Zaayan more angry.

"What do you mean? Are you really a toper? What was your result? I am have doubt that how a girl like you can become 1st.Sit down"

"The time is already over so I am going now. We will start the class  rightly from next day"

The professor left but Tahra was trying best not cry like this as none ever talk to her like this. Soon it was lunch  time everyone went out of the class. Fana and Tahra was going towards canteen.

"Why didn't you answer then?" Fana asked

"I don't know the answer" Tahra shortly replied.

"Are you kidding with me say the truth, why"


" I am not asking the answer i am asking why didn't you answer then?'' Fana asked keeping her hand on Tahra's shoulder but she felt that Tahra's body was warm. She checked the Forehead and looked at Tahra angrily

"You have fever. why didn't you tell. You again skip the meals right."

"I am ok just a little hungry lets go and eat" Tahra said showing her puppy eyes.

"Sir you" Fana  said making Tahra also turn but she saw Professor Zaayan was standing close to them making her horrified and said

"Mumma ghost" She was about to fall but Fana balanced her.

"Hey are you" Zaayan said with concern, " But why did you called me ghost"

"Actually sir she got a scared seeing you , we are sorry" They turned and started to leave but Zaayan then said

"Your use of words are really impressive" 

Listening this both of them feeled embarrassed mostly Tahra she was just thinking what will the about her. She is always insecure about herself as she has a fatty figure also don't have a fare skin like her other friends. She always tries to come in anyone's attention but god always plans the opposite . He always create a situation where she has to come the lame light. She has also many family problems. They always treat her like shit. They have grown Tahra saying that they are only investing money on her so that she can return back more also she was told not expect love from them. Only two person she have in her life which is her grandpa and her bestie who are her real family. Who supported her, adored her also loved her.

                           TO BE CONTINUED............

Many Interesting Things Are Coming

The story Is A Total Funny And Also Romantic.

                                                 KHUDA HAFEEZ

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