Saved by...AUSTIN?!

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Dustin P.O.V

It's cold. Where's my blanket I can only feel something hard beneath me. Concrete?

Opening my eyes I saw darkness. Great. Everytime I open my eyes and there's darkness, it means I've been kidnapped....or something like that.

Sighing I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness so I could atleast see the walls of this place. As my eyes adjusted I also heard footsteps approaching the door to my left. And then it opened.

A dark figure walked in slowly. The figure's posture held confidence and they carried themselves well.

"Dustin Cadell, how lovely to meet you." The figure I now know is a man with dark hair and eyes since he turned the light on said.

I blinked as the light shined in my eyes suddenly.

"Who are you!" I hissed through clenched teeth.

"Don't worry about that" He chuckled and stood down infront of me taking my chin in his hands. I tried to move away from him but I was tied to the wall with chains that were built in.

"Let go of me!!" I spat looking at him fiercely.

He let go and kicked me making me groan and walked out not looking back.

As soon as he left, I looked around trying to find something-anything-to help me to get out of this place. I saw a piece of metal on the floor and pulled to me with my feet. Luckily my legs were long.

I pulled it to me as close as possible and then turned to take it up with my hands that were behing my back.

I got and started to unlock the chains slowly and quietly.


I finally got the chains off my hands and used my now free hands to undo the ones on my feet.

I stood up and stretched looking around for any exit or something to help get out of this place. I sighed when J saw nothing and sat back down deciding to wait and plan something out instead.

Then I somehow fell asleep after a while.


A loud sound woke me up. It was like the sound of a door banging open and gunshots followed immediately after.

Shouts could be heard all over wherever I was and gunshots.

I could see some liquid I assumed is blood start to seep through underneath the door. The closer it got the louder the screams were meaning that whoever was firing the gun was getting closer to the door I was behind and in return me.

Oh shit.

I was starting to get worried looking everywhere to.find something to protect myself with or somewhere to hide. But the room was empty to prevent me escaping.

The door opened and I flinched back from the sudden light that came through the door.

"Hey is anyone I here!!!" The guy that opened the door shouted.

I backed up a little trying to not get seen but it was in vain because the man saw me and ran over to me.

"Stop back up and leave me alone!" I yelled at him.

He raised an eyebrow at that. " I'm just trying to help you. So shut up and let me get you out of these chains." He said thinking my hands were still chained up.

I smirked and lifted my hands and got up before he could touch me, "see I had everything under control" I said and moved around him.

He rolled his eyes and huffed walking out making me follow since I didn't know where we were going.

When we got outside he stopped and turned to me. " Stay here I have to report to my boss. I will bring him here to see who I found. And if you think of running away remember you are surrounded and we all have guns. Don't try anything stupid."

I rolled my eyes but stayed put, he was right it would be very stupid to try anything while surrounded by so many people.

"Here he is the guy that I found. He kinda looks like you though, don't you think?" I heard the guy whose name I still have yet to get said laughing a little at the end, turning serious again when no one else laughed.

"You know where you going?" The second guy, the 'boss' asked.

"Thanks, I never thought I would be Saved by........AUSTIN?!"

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