The New Student

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Dustin P.O.V

"Alright class, today we have a new student. His name is Ace, please be nice to him and welcome him to our school." My English teacher Ms Simons says to the class stepping in.

I looked behind her to find the new student and see a guy walk in. He wore a tight black t-shirt and black ripped jeans with converses. His hair was dark, with the deep blue eyes to match.

He had bulging muscles that were very visible through his tight shirt. Since the shirt was so tight you could see 8 abs protruding through it. He had a sharp jawline that looked to be able to cut through glass with ease.

So in other words he was very ho– I mean handsome.

God obviously took his time shaping this beautiful specimen. And he did a damn well job.

After an introduction from the teacher, Ace looked around to find a seat. His eyes soon landed on the one next to me and he began walking over. I sat at the back left side of the class beside a window and he sat down to my right.

"You really want to sit with the weirdo nerd?" Some jock that was full of himself asked incredulously.

"Shut up you arrogant, big headed bitch with small shoulders. You look like a toddler drew you. Improper fraction looking ass." He said making the whole class burst out laughing.

The teacher reprimanded him for being 'rude', but I personally thought he was putting that ugly fucker in his place.

The day went on and I realized I had all but one class with Ace.

We had 6 periods in a day. 3 before lunch 3 after lunch. Ace was in all but the one right before lunch.

The day ended and I went home and into my personal gym. Yes, I have a personal gym in my house–well more like mansion, but anyway. I went to the gym where I saw my dad waiting for me like everyday ready for training.

"Start warming up"

Wow not even a greeting, how nice if him. I rolled my eyes when he looked away and started warming up.

I was the next leader of the Cadell mafia. I had to be well trained to take over.

I started out with 85 push-ups as a warm up then run on the treadmill for 5 miles and then lifted weights. After that I went through my usual training with my dad.

After training I went to my room and took a shower before laying down and thinking. I had a lot to think about. School. The mafia. Ace. Training. Cops putting their noses where they shouldn–wait. Did I say Ace.

I mean I wouldn't mind thinking about him, he's definitely hot.

Wait. I don't even know if I'm gay. I mean maybe, cause I just called a guy hot. I didn't have this internal battle earlier because I was too busy admiring that sexy ass motherfu–No.

I can't drool over this guy in my bed. I mean I guess I can, but I wanna be sure of my Sexuality first.

I'm not a man to run away from the inevitable—sometimes—but anyway. I won't run. I decided to take a Sexuality test. They say the fact you're eve taking the test means you're definitely not straight, but who knows.

I clicked on the first test I saw and answered the questions.

Have you ever found the same gender attractive?

A) yes
B) no
C) maybe

I picked A

Have you ever found the opposite gender attractive?

A) yes
B) no
C) mayb

I picked B

Have you ever wanted to be intimate with someone of the same gender?

A) yes
B) no
C) maybe

I picked A

I answered the rest of my questions and looked at my results.

95% gay           5% straight


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