~Midnight's Cry~: Surprise, surprise {3}

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                                                                               Hayden's POV

After reaching the school, I nearly hopped into the school and headed straight for my locker, ignoring all of the chit-chats going on around me. As I placed and grabbed stuff from my locker, I felt someone tap my shoulder and I spun around only to find my distant best friend Kaleb smiling at me.

I wasn't allowed to speak to Kaleb because Adam had thought something other than friendship was going on between us. I was devasted when it seemed like me and Kaleb's friendship was over and was now a little surprised to find him even talking to me. Considering Kaleb hated Adam just as much.

I forced a smile and slammed my locker shut, "Hey Kaleb." I said quietly. He nodded, "Hey." I swallowed and looked around me, "How--uh---how've ya been?" He asked me. I looked him straight in the eye, "Good. You?" Kaleb shrugged and I heard the first bell ring, " I'll see you later..." I said as I started to go but I felt him grab my wrist and gently stop me.

I looked up at him and he was watching me sadly, "I miss you, Midnight." I flinched involuntarily and looked down. That was his nickname for me. Me and Kaleb had been best friends since kindergarden and he'd been calling me that ever since I told him I loved the night and watching the stars at midnight. I felt tears flood into my eyes but blinked them back, "Well...you shouldn't. I'm not worth it." I said bitterly and yanked my wrist away from him, wincing a little bit because of the cut I had made yesterday. Yeah, I cut myself but doesn't everybody who's depressed?

I sighed and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and looked at him. He had hurt and a little bit of anger written in his eyes, "Not worth it?" he whispered. I shrugged. "Hayden, of course you're worth it! You're special and way more important than you think. Who told you that you weren't worth it, hm? Was it Adam? I bet it was, huh? That stupid bastard is a liar, Hayden! Why do you even listen to him?!" He snapped.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Don't talk about him that way! Don't you dare!" I poked him in the chest before bumping my shoulder with his, roughly, and stomping to my next class.

As I entered my first class, History, I huffed angrily and plopped down into my seat, furious. But I knew I couldn't stay mad at Kaleb because he was right. Why did I even listen to Adam? He was abusive and mean. So why did I let him control my life? I sighed and leaned my head against my hands as I shut my eyes, "I hate my life." I muttered to myself.

"Why should you hate your life? Oh, I know why! Because you're pathetic and ugly and don't appreciate what life gives you!" A voice sneered at me. I popped my eyes open and gritted my teeth, "Why don't you go stick a knife up your ass and shut up." I hissed, turning my head to the girl I hated so much. Stacia Victors. I hated her so much! She always had to find a way to ruin my life. She was the...what you would call, bitch/slut of the school. She had always hated me for whatever reason. The feeling was mutual though.

I scowled at her when she stuck her tongue out at me and turned to flirt with Chace, one of the football players. I folded my arms across my chest and leaned against my chair, bored. I seriously hated my life right now.

When the bell rang, Mr.Kress began to lecture about who knows what while I zoned out every now and then. It felt like millions of hours until the bell finally rang. I jumped up and gathered my things to head to my next class when someone stopped me again and pushed me up against the lockers. I felt pain sear up my spine and opened my eyes to see some guy I didn't recognize smirking at me, "Hey." He said as he let me go.

I straightened my shirt and glared at him, "What the hell did you do that for?!" I hissed at him. All the stupid idiot did was laugh and that laugh was magical. Almost unrealistic. I loved his laugh but that was when I realized what I was thinking and mentally slapped myself.

"Well?" I patted my foot against the floor impatiently as he smiled down at me. I hated to admit it, but the guy was pretty hot. He had black hair that swept to the side and covered his right eye and blemish-free pale skin that looked gorgeous and natural on him. He also had dark blue eyes that looked like the ocean if you stared at them for a while. I was a little mesmerized by them but snapped out of it when he frowned angrily.

He turned around angrily and that's when I noticed Adam standing there with a scary expression on his face. He was staring at me. I swallowed nervously and stepped away from the strange guy and waved pathetically at Adam. "Hey." His eyes burned holes angrilyl through my skin and I looked down as I listened to their conversation.

"What the hell do you think you were doing to my girlfriend, White?" Adam growled. I flinched and looked up at the boy. He was glaring daggers at Adam who was doing the same back. I bit my lip when he replied, "Nothing. I was just going to talk to her when you shoved your ass in the way like you always do. Why do you always have to get into her business?" He snarled.

Adam laughed viciously, "Because she's my girlfriend you dick." The boy nodded, "Yeah. Your girlfriend. Not your dog. You don't have to follow her everywhere. I'm pretty sure she's sick of you!" My eyes widened at this. How did he know that Adam never gave me breathing space?

Anger flashed through Adam's eyes and he got into the boy's face, "Are you comparing her to a dog?" He hissed. The boy grimaced, "Hell no. But I've always compared you to one." He smirked at the last sentence and I didn't even see Adam swing his arm back. His fist came into contact with the boy's jaw and he stumbled back, shock/anger evident in his eyes.

Blood trickled down his chin and he wiped it away,keeping his eyes on Adam. "So you think you're a tough guy, huh?" He said in an almost dark tone. I felt a shiver climb through my body and I felt a strange attraction to this boy.

He spit blood onto the ground and smiled menacingly. The next thing I knew was Adam flying into the wall with a large amount of force. I gasped when he quickly lunged at the boy and the two tackled each other on the floor, blood smearing it. I tried to yell at them to stop and even tried to pry their hands away from each other but I felt Adam's hand smack into my face and I fell back, feeling my cheek throbbing painfully.

They were finally pulled away from each other by two other guys when a teacher came into the hallway, shock across her face. It quickly turned to anger and she yelled at the three of us, "The three of you, follow me, NOW!!" She barked and turned on her heel, expecting us to follow.

Both the boy and Adam yanked from the two football player's grip,(they were wearing their football jersey's) and began to follow the teacher. I sighed and did the same.

What a way to start off the day.

When we reached the principal's office, we were practically shoved in their and Principal James didn't seem surprised to see the boy at all. But me and Adam, he was surprised.

"Sit." He ordered. We did and when we were all seated, me in the middle, surprise surprise, he began to lecture us, "What happened?" That's when the boy and Adam began to shout out angrily, trying to speak louder than one another, when finally Principal James had enough.

"QUIET!!!" He snarled. They both shut up and that's when Principal James turned to me. Gulp. "Hayden, since you're here, tell me what happened." he said more softly than he did to Adam and the boy. I felt all their eyes turn to me, Adam's burning into me, and swallowed, "Um...well...you see..." I stuttered as I began to explain what happened.

When I finished, I snuck a look at the boy and he gave me a comforting smile. I then snuck a look at Adam and he was glaring viciously at me. Just my day...

"Well, considering this is your first time in my office, Adam, I will only give you detention for two weeks. Hayden, you're not in trouble. And as for you Damien--" My mouth opened and I looked at Damien.

"You're Damien White?" He nodded slowly, "Why?" I swallowed, "Y-you're...you're m-my...m-my...." "He's your what, Hayden?" Adam said angrily. I swallowed and looked at him and was about to reply when Damien beat me to it, "Her fiancé."

Wow. Thanks a lot Damien.


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