Y/n to Baki's rescue!

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Arriving at the hotel you took a long calming bath and you felt much better from all the chaos,you tried to forget about what happened with Yujiro and changed to your confy pitjamas to take a quick nap.

After half an hour of sleeping, you heard your phone ringing and searched for it with almost closed eyes on the bedside table, before finally managing to find it and pick it up,Baki was calling you but you hadn't noticed it was him.

"Mhhh....,Y/n speaking...",you murmured and placed the phone next to your lips so you wouldn't have to hold it up and lay your head on the pillow at the same time.

"Hey Y/n..",Baki responded,you opened your eyes to see if the number that had called you was really his, Baki's voice sounded... different.

"Hey Baki..,what's up?You sound upset..,is something wrong?"

"Yes..,I really need someone to talk to. I mean right now.Would it be a problem if I came over?",Baki asked going back and fourth in his living room nervously.

"Oh arlight!, ofcourse you can come!I-I'll be waiting for you!",you sat up from bed to get ready.

"Thanks Y/n..,see you in a while..",Baki hung up and sighed heavily before walking to his dog Mushashi and petted him,he then made his way to his houses door and tied his shoe laces to go out.

"Strange...,Baki sounded really sad..I hope he is okay..,but to make sure I cheer him up I need to bring in the big guns!SNACKS!!",you smirked and got up to get everything ready before Baki arrived.

Baki arrived outside your hotel a few minutes later,and no,he didn't take a cab or anything to get there.He ran the whole way there and with the speed of his,he arrived very quickly.He was panting,he whipped the sweat on his forehead before asking one of the staff to lead him to your suite.

Once he was outside your door,he was more nervous than ever.His hand hesitated to knock on the door,but with a heavy sigh he eventually did,he knocked on the door and waited for you to answer.

Baki was looking around the hall and jolted once the door burged open and before he could realize what was happening, someone snached him by his shirt inside your suite, ofcourse it was nobody else than you, Baki was taken aback for a moment.

"Welcome in!,feel like your own home!",you smiled at him snickering and started making circles around him observing him,Baki followed your movements until you got too close to his face holding your chin in question.

"You are sad?, aren't youuu??Come on!,sit and tell me what's bothering you!",you took his hand and dragged him to your bed where you had set up a tray with snacks and treats for him,snacks always cheered you up when you were upset and you hoped that they would do their magic on Baki aswell.

"You prepared all this..for me?You didn't need to!,thank you so much..",he blushed a bit and sat down on the bed facing you.

"No problem!",you smiled and grabbed a cookie to munch on before continuing,"Snacks and sweets always cheer me up when I'm sad,try some and you'll see that you'll feel better!"

"Oh..,thanks..,but I don't think snacks will be able to help me..",he looked down unhappily on his lap before looking up at you again.You were looking at him seriously and you had put down your cookie,this was a serious situation!

"Baki!,tell me what's going on immediately!I'm a professional with advice, Sonoda is right hehe",you grinned proudly before turning back to Baki with a serious look."Tell me what's bothering you,take your time if you need too".

"Oh..,so um.. There is this guy...", Baki started with a heavy sigh before continuing ","He wants to steal my girlfriend ".

"Oooh!,so it's a relationship problem!No worries!,I'm the best at these!So?,what did you and your girlfriend do about it?"

Book 1!Reader x Baki characters        ~The Ultimate Source Of Power~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang