25- Hair and trouble

Start from the beginning

We went in, ordered and sat down. Emilia ordered a pumpkin spice Latte, toastie and cake pop. Luna ordered a Grande Iced caramel macchiato, banana bread and a triple chocolate muffin. Dante ordered a Grande cappaccino, cinnamon scroll, 3 macarons and caramel slice. I still felt sick so I only ordered Green tea latte and walnut brownie slice. We went and sat down and a few minutes later the food was brought out to us. Dante gave us each a macaron and he ate the caramel slice. I gave luna my Macaron and split my walnut brownie with Dante and Emilia.

"Isabella we aren't you eating?" Emilia asked curiously.
"I am not hungry, I had a big breakfast already" I lied smoothly.
"Alright well atleast have your drink" Emilia finsihed that conversation. I nodded and then after everyone finished we left. We started driving to the salon which was only 5 minutes from here and 15 minutes from school.

"So what are you guys going to get done with your hair?" Luna questioned.
"Just a trim" said Dante.
"I was thinking red highlights" Emilia stated thinking.
"I am going to get blonde hightlights and a small trim, what about you Luna?" I ask
"I was going to dye my hair blue" She said with the biggest smile on her face. Out conversation were endless over the 5 minutes but the last one stuck with me.

"Isabella, I know you don't want me to go because everyone you have ever known has left you. And I am so sorry but I promise to keep in touch with all of you guys as much as I can" Dante said.

"Where are you moving to?" I asked looking down at my lap trying not to cry. I think Luna noticed cause she hugged me. I tensed and so badly wanted to turn and punch but I stayed still awkwardly.

"Turkey, my parents got a new job and I am so sorry" Dante said while breaking down into tears. Emilia pulled to the side of the road and hugged him. I started crying and so did Luna. We hugged each other. Eventually Dante and Emilia got out of the car, opened the back seat doors, got in and hugged us. It was one big comfy group hug. After a while the cries turned to sniffles and everyones eyes were red and cheeks were puffy. We started driving again and made it to the salon in silence. When we got out again I ran up to Dante and hugged him tight. He stood still for a second before hugging me back. Luna was rubbing my back and Emilia was standing the side.

"Come on" I said wiping my tears away before they had a chance to fall. I would not show my fucking weakness twice in one day. We went inside and each sat infront of a hairdresser. After about 3 hours we were all done. Everyone's hair looked amazing but WOW Luna's was such a beautiful blue. I missed her orange hair aleady. After everyone finished complimenting eachother we left. We went back to school just in time for the bell. I went to my brother's car and waited. I saw Fake ass barbie coming over to me.

"Nice hair freak" Lola, Barbie, Said giggling. Her minions were close behind snickering as well. I was feeling really dizzy and neaseous again so I leant on the car more.
"I am not in the mood Bitch!" I snarled.
"That's a shame because I am" She replied before kicking me in my leg making me fall. I usually would have not fallen and punched her but I was weaker today. I felt so sick like I was going to vomit all over her but couldn't. She kicked me and I fell onto my stomach. I rolled onto my back and looked around. The carpark was empty, it was just me, lola and her minions. I swear to god the one day I need my brothers to be quick they are late. Lola kicked me again in my side. I tried to trip her over but her minions came and stood on my wrists. One of them looked sorry while the other was smiling. I groaned in pain. My head was throbbing, my side was hurting and my wrists would most likely bruise.

The kicks stopped for a moment and Lola's friends got me standing. I could barely stand even with their help and before I knew it I was punched in the face. I heard my nose snap as that punch was hard. I felt the blood gush down my face and the minions drop me and kick, punch and step on me. Lola knelt down to my face.

"I hope you learn your lesson you piece of garbage! The world would be better with out you!" She spat in my face, got up and dragged her minions away. I just laid on the cold carpark cement as the sun starts to go down. I move a little and pull out my phone. I had dropped it earlier and the screen protector was broken. I turned it on and went to messages. I messaged my brother.

'You guys wanted my to forgive you and not be pissed but look at what just happened. You left me at school and Lola, Victors girlfriend has done her life mission' I sent them a photo of the floor next to me with blood covering it. Blood was still coming out of my nose but I just let in drop and form a pool. I looked back at my phone to see replies.

'god Bells, Is she okay? Where is Lola?' Victor texted.

'Bella, Are you okay? I am so sorry I am at football training and Victor was meant to meet you to bring you to the field until I finished' Iza typed.

'Who's blood is that?' Rondo sent. Rondi reacted with a thumbs up to Rondo's text. Marketti hadn't said anything and neither had Levi. Great.

I replied to them.

'Wow Victor, Your girlfriend and her friends beat the shit out of me and you ask if she is okay?! Thanks Iza, I don't blame you I am just super forgetable. It is my blood.'

Seconds after I had a reply from all my brothers.

' Bells, I am so sorry I am breaking up with her. Where are you? I am coming' Victor said.
'Practice just finished I am on my way' Iza said.
'Bella, where are you hurt?' Levi asked.
'I am so killing that Lola bitch' Rondi said.
'Not before I do, found her adress' Rondo said.

I laughed a little but quickly stopped as my side was causing me pain. I sat up slowly and used the car as back support. I still had a jacket on so I took that off and cleaned my face. I wiped all the blood off of my face. I looked at my jacket and threw it to the side. My nose had stopped bleeding thankfully but I felt even more sick then before. I closed my eyes for a second and opened it to see Iza and Victor running my way. Iza was still in his football gear and Victor looked worried. I rolled my eyes at Victor as they both came to my sides. They helped me up then I shrugged Victor off.

"Bella, why didn't you tell me she was acting like this?" Victor questions
"Because it was day two of me attending this school and I had already and punched he so I thouht she would learn" I said in a cold voice.
"No, don't do that Bells" Victor said shaking his head.
"Doing what?" I said looking at Victor. I saw Iza come to my side and take my bag then unlock the door and throw it in.
"Putting those walls up again, the ones we fought so hard to get down" Victor replied.
"I need these walls to save me from people like you. I thought I could trust you. But CLEARLY YOU ARE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, I AM JUST SO BLOODY FORGETFUL THAT YOU RATHER CHECK ON YOUR GIRLFRIEND THEN YOUR SISTER" I yelled at him.
"Why didn't you protect yourself?" Iza joins the conversation.
"I wasn't in the mood for fighting" I say while getting in the back seat of the car and shutting the door.

I see them having a conversation before they both get in the front. We started driving home in silence and when we arrived I grabbed my bag and went to my room. I wasn't hungry and I wasn't going coming home for a few hours. I went on social media and found a party which was only a few streets away. We were meant to see my family tonight for planning but thanks to the Mafa it was now postponed until tomorrow after school, but that was when Dante was leaving so I wasn't going to show up. I got up and I wrote a note and left it on my bedside, I had a shower and cleaned the blood off of me. I looked in the mirror. I looked horrible, fat and broken. I got changed into a beautiful black short dress before leaving. I packed a handbag containing Lipstick, my phone, motorcycle keys, wallet and makeup kit. I climbed out the window and down the tree. I went to my bike but my helmet on and off I went. 

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