Stay who you are

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The girl shivered as she clung onto her jacket, wrapping her arms to herself. Her teeth clattered as the storm got heavier, pouring rain and thunder that startled her a bit. The thunder was so loud that if someone were to be near she wouldn't hear them.

She tried making herself small in a small dirt cave near a creek so a rotter wouldn't see her. She was glad she found some source of protection otherwise she would be in an open forest. The other source of protection was her gun that Shoto had handed her before they departed and a pocket knife from the house she found.

She hugged her knees, and hoped that the storm would pass by so that way she could go into a city that was nearby. She tried making a fire, but because the dirt was moist it was impossible.

She had canned food in the duffel bag but in order for it to open she needed a knife or something sharp and most of it needed to be warmed up. So for now, F/n would wait until the rain passed by.

The next day, she had woken up and exited the hut. She pulled her hood up and placed the duffel bag on her back and walked further out. She tightly held her gun as she would flicker eyes at every sudden movement she heard.

She wondered if she should navigate back to the van where she last saw Izuku, Shoto and Katsuki. She then later told herself that wasn't a smart move as there could still be a few rotters lurking around.

There was a lot, and she was doubtful that they all made it and survived. Katsuki used himself as a sacrifice, she didn't remember Shoto ever leaving the van, and as for Izuku she lost sight of him.

As she walked further, she thought that maybe Shoto had stayed behind and helped Katsuki which would explain the gunshots she heard. Although she couldn't tell if it were her's or Izuku's with all the snarling in her ear.

Perhaps, they are safe and they did make it out with a few injuries. The thought eased the girl's mind as she came across a road and a few cars. It seemed that the cars were searched through as the doors were left wide open.

Entering a small red car, she unscrewed the bottom of the steering wheel and came across some wires. Like before, she hotwired the car until it turned completely on. Content with how things were going so far, she closed the door and began to drive.

As she drove to what she hoped was civilization, her eyes flickered to the radio station where it staticed. "Do not intent to engage. Do not intend to fight. A sanctuary is being held in Rh–"

The girl rolled her eyes as she shut off the station and paid attention to the road. If the city weren't filled with the walking dead, she would have shut down the transmitter as it gave people false hope.

She slightly shook her head and continued to drive before the gas ran out.

Being alone, reminded the girl that it was best to be alone. She wouldn't feel heartbroken or anguished when she lost someone she loved. This whole thing reminded her of when she lost her family.

It reminded her that she couldn't do anything to save them and watched in fear. It all happened so fast that she wondered where it went so wrong. Was it the gun training they did? Or facing their fears and tying rotters up so they could be used as punching bags?

Maybe if they had all listened to her cousin saying they needed to get out of the country then things wouldn't have gone so bad.

She let out a sigh and wiped her eyes at the thought of her cousin. He was the last person she saw. She wondered if Hanta managed to survive and flee before the rotters took him down.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted as she came across a little town that was next to a forest. She was annoyed that everything that surrounded her were trees. There were so many hiding places where someone could hide and target her.

Maybe she should burn down the forest.

Slowing down, she swerved and avoided every car that crashed into each other until she was blocked by a few cars. She looked around her in case there weren't any dead but to her surprise, there seemed to be none.

She was perplexed as the town was next to a city. Nonetheless, she grabbed her bag and exited the car. Every house seemed to be boarded up and the town was eerily quiet. She hoped no one had already claimed this town as she was just passing by.

Slowly walking and checking every alley and corner, she kept herself on high alert. She was sure that if the town was already claimed then there would be traps set out that could alert the person.

So she carefully watched her steps the more she ventured into the town. The town felt like a maze as she passed many similar houses with the same decoration. The only way she knew she hadn't circled around was for the designs on the planks that boarded every entrance on the houses.

She made sure to not step in any puddles as it could leave prints of her shoes. She made sure to avoid dirt or mud that could trace her steps as she didn't want anyone trailing her. She walked through some alleys which weren't as bad as she thought.

She did get startled when a muddy cat had scurried away from her. She watched it as it ran away, her gun aiming at it and thought that maybe she could eat the cat. But she then later lowered the gun as the cat was out of sight.

She walked out of the alley and took a left and after a few blocks, she saw restaurants, stores, and other buildings. With a tiny smile, she hoped to find something good and perhaps build a home even if it were to be by herself. 

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now