Slowly withering away

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Feet crunching orange leaves and sticks, Katsuki, F/n, and Izuku walk through a forest that surrounds a city where a sanctuary is being held; Rhote. Although they were thankful for the cool air and for the moon to be up, they had to be wary as rotters seem to be more active at night.

They would glance at every noise that critters would make and even their own footsteps thinking someone would pounce on them. After countless of restless nights and coming across terrible people, it was evident that paranoia was seeping through.

Yawning and rubbing her eyes, F/n look ahead, "Please, let there be a house nearby or atleast a car."

Swatting flies that flew around him and groaning in annoyance, Katsuki looked around, "I doubt it. There's nothing but trees and fucking bugs. It's pissing me off."

"Maybe they are attracted to you because you smell." F/n shrugged innocently.

Katsuki mockingly laugh and harshly bumped into her, "Aren't you fucking funny. You smell too."

"I meant it in a nice way." F/n said as she peered at him.

He scoffs, "There is no nice way when you're covered in dirt, blood and sweat."

"Keep it down." Izuku began as his eyes wandered, "If someone's nearby they'll hear us. We don't have enough strength to fight."

Katsuki rolled his eyes and stared at F/n, he then jokes, "We can sacrifice her."

The girl gave him a look as Izuku shook his head. He knows that Katsuki's trying to brighten the mood up. It felt like forever since they all had shared a laugh and that felt weird to Izuku, considering the fact that he himself was all about smiles.

But he could tell that he was slowly slipping away.

"You guys see that?" F/n pointed to her right as a wide building with an open area stood ahead.

The males looked over, squinting in the dark as a couple wooden boxes were placed outside, "...A warehouse?"

"Let's go." Izuku says and the two behind him follow.

Sneakily crouching behind a few bushes, the three look around to see if they could spot any sign of human existence, but because it was dark and the tree's shadow covered the ground they couldn't see shoeprints.

With a machete, pistol, and combat knife in hand, they make their way to the front of the warehouse. With no chains or locks around the wide double doors, they enter and shut it behind them.

"Oh my..." F/n says as her eyes roll widen at the shelfs of supplies.

"This is months, maybe years of supplies..." Izuku's eyes felt like they were beginning to water.

Snapping out of his daze, Katsuki looks around and finds a couple of duffel bags, he then hands it to his friends, "We should hurry and get whatever we need. Someone isn't dumb enough to leave all this behind."

"Kacchan's right. Whoever lives here might come back." With that, the three separated; Katsuki in the front, Izuku in the middle, and F/n in the back near some small rooms. While Katsuki packed medical supplies and Izuku packed food, F/n filled her bag with ammo.

She smiled, mostly from relief as she and her friends would have guns to protect them with countless ammo. Every weapon she picked up, she made sure that the correct ammo was there.

But as she filled her duffel bag the sound of a gun cocking and pressing against the back of her head made her stay still.

"Try anything and I'll shoot." A cold whispered voice said.

Was this person dumb enough to not realize that guns were laying neatly around her?

Shaking her thoughts, F/n raised her hands to where the figure could see them and whispered, "Fuck."

"Stand up." He says and watches every movement that F/n makes. His fingers on the trigger in case she decides to pull something, "Are you alone?"

Not wanting to endanger Izuku and Katsuki, her e/c eyes stare at the two toned hair male with a scar on his right eye, "Yes. Look, I don't want any trouble. Let me grab my stuff and I'll be out of your way. I'll never come back."

The male scoffs as he doesn't want to take any chances, "No."

Taking his answer, F/n quickly shifts to her side and hooks her arm underneath the male's gun and elbows him on the stomach.

Surprised by her sudden movement, the male drops his gun which gives F/n an opportunity to go after it but she doesn't make it as the male trips her causing both to fall.

They grunt as they both try to get the upper hand, hitting, punching, and pulling. As F/n kicks the scar male to a shelf, which causes items to fall and make loud noises, she's a couple steps away from the gun and as her hand almost reaches it, the male shoves her into the ground and sits on top of her back as to not let her get away.

The gun slides a bit forward as F/n claws at the male's arm that reaches around her neck.

From the front of the warehouse, Izuku and Katsuki's ears perked up as the noises of things clashing and grunts caught their attention. They let their bags drop and run to their friend, worried she might be in danger as she hadn't let a noise out.

The sound of choking and grunting got louder as the males got closer and closer.

With her fingertips holding the handle of the pistol, she fully grabs it but her hand is slammed down from the force of the male.

Reaching the gun again, both of their hands held onto it, their sounds of struggling caused them to be deaf from the rushing footsteps of Izuku and Katsuki.

Upon finding their friend, Izuku's and Katsuki's eyes widened as they recognized the male. A feeling of relief is lifted off their shoulders.

As Izuku takes a step forward and calls his name out, a sudden gunshot rings through the building, echoing in every ear as a sudden frightened and worried look is in everyone's faces.

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