You belong in this world

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Day three since meeting each other begins as F/n followed Izuku to a creek behind the cabin. It was a mile away but they didn't mind it. As long as they kept their energy and strength up they didn't mind the walk.

Finally reaching the creek, the sound of water flowing sounds pleasing to Izuku and F/n's ears. It was comforting. The creek was clear meaning no mud, it showed rocks and pebbles with a few fishes swimming around.

Izuku smiled at the fishes swimming around and kneeled down pulling his bag towards him and grabbing two empty water bottles. Both his hands grabbed the bottles and began to fill it up using the creek's water.

While Izuku filled up empty bottles, F/n took her jacket off and laid it on the grass beside her. She then kneeled and began to look at the right side of the jackets inside as a net was sewed onto it. With her hands, she pulled on a ripped part of the net and tore it apart until the net was completely off.

Now, with the net in her hand she put her jacket aside, removed her shoes and rolled her jeans near her knee area so the water wouldn't get it wet. With the bucket she found in a cabin she walked a little further away from Izuku and stopped when she spotted a few fishes swimming around.

Izuku peered at F/n when he heard her moving away. He decided to not question where she was going and instead let her have a moment for herself. He continued to fill up the empty bottles and pondered how he would boil it.

Meanwhile, F/n rinsed her head, wiping the dirt and any dried blood. She let her face dry itself and dipped her feet in the water quietly so as to not startle the fishes near. But just as she thought, the ripples of the water caused the fish to startle and swim away.

Though this didn't make F/n give up. She walked towards the middle of the creek where it reached her calves and stood still with her hands holding the net underneath the water.

She waited and waited until eventually a fish began swimming near her. Halting her breath as she thought it would cause her to stay still, the fish swam behind her and then on top of the net. In a flash, F/n pulled the net out and held her hands closely to close the net.

Her e/c eyes brightened as she grinned at the fish that flopped around in the net. Keeping the fish close, she exited the water and walked towards Izuku who was finishing filling his last bottle, "Check it out."

Hearing his companion, Izuku looked beside him and was startled as the fishes clouded eyes stared back at Izuku's. His startled was then placed with amazement, "You caught a fish!? How did you learn to do that!?"

F/n shrugged with a smile, "My father's a big fan of camping."

Amazed, Izuku stood up, "Can you teach me?"

"Of course." F/n said and instructed Izuku to follow her.

As F/n taught Izuku how to catch fish, she was surprised as to how quickly Izuku catched on. It took at least six camping trips for F/n to be able to catch one and that was with fishing gear. It's least to say she was impressed.

After catching two more and placing it in the white bucket F/n had brought, they headed back to the cabin where F/n then showed Izuku on how to start the fireplace. Luckily, the fireplace had already unburned wood and a metal rack.

As Izuku ripped pieces of paper from his journal and burned it for the wood, F/n fetched a pot and began to pour water until it was almost full. She then handed it to Izuku who thanked her and placed it onto the metal rack. Eventually, the water began to boil.

While the water boiled, F/n taught Izuku how to clean fishes in order for them to be eaten without problems. Although it was a bit messy, Izuku liked the process as he got to bond more with F/n. After finishing cleaning the three fishes, Izuku placed it on the metal rack to cook.

They had small smiles of accomplishment and proudness. Their ears listened to the wood cracking and the water boiling. Their noses smelled the burning wood and the fish cooking.

After a few minutes passed by, the green-haired male put the fire out as F/n grabbed two plates and two cups that she rinsed with the creek's water and handed it to Izuku as he grabbed the fish with utensils and the pot with rags.

Once the food had cooled down they began to eat and drink. They tried to show mannerism and not eat like a wild animal but their hunger got the best of them from not eating a full meal in days.

Content with their stomachs full, they sat in front of the fireplace in silence, the sunset bringing their cabin an orangey look.

F/n's attention was brought to Izuku as he asked her a question, "You said your dad liked to camp. Did you?"

She stared at the green eyed male for a moment before looking at the fireplace, "Camping isn't my thing. But because my dad grew up on a farm, at the end of Musutafu, he and his family would camp by a wood behind their house. He'd then make us go and experience nature."

She then gazed at him, "Why?"

This time, Izuku glanced away and shook his head, "It's just, you seem to have a lot of experience with being out in the wilderness. From knowing how to catch and clean fish, starting a fire, and killing the dead without hesitation. It's almost like... you're kind of meant for this world."

After hearing his words being said out loud, Izuku noticed how rude it sounded and so he shook his head and waved his hand, "I don't mean it in a rude way! It's honestly kind of impressive how you can handle yourself! I can't even do that! I only know how to boil dirty water into clean water because I saw a video out of curiosity and I kind of had a phase!"

As Izuku rambled on, F/n smiled before chuckling which made Izuku stop and blush from embarrassment. He apologized about his rambling and how annoying it can be but F/n waved him off, "No need to apologize, it's what makes you, you. Also, I'm not mad about your comment."

She let out a sigh, "I got the feeling that my dad was preparing us for an emergency, in case he wasn't there, we would be able to defend ourselves. Although he was an officer, he told us not to hesitate when our lives are threatened."

Izuku watched as F/n stood up and began to put the dishes away, "You said we? Did you... have siblings?"

F/n nodded and left it at that, no longer wanting to talk about her family. Understanding, Izuku began to clean up and then headed for bed as F/n did the same thing.

Laying in bed, Izuku wondered for a moment as to what happened to F/n's family though eventually, drowsiness consumed him and he later fell asleep. As for F/n, she couldn't fall asleep.

She felt like something was keeping her up, like something was going to happen. Thinking it was paranoia, she stared at the ceiling making fake scenarios in her head. She thought about these last two months and how the radio and news broadcasts for everyone to be quarantined. To avoid people who acted strange or seemed abnormal.

She smiled and almost laughed when she remembered her grandfather's voice, telling her that the government did this, it's all propaganda. She could almost hear her father's voice telling his dad to shut up and to take this seriously. Then her grandmother got involved and smacked both of their heads, "Knock it off, you're getting the kids scared."

She snorted a bit as she remembered her cousin with a triangle smile mocking his uncle and grandparents behind their backs.

As she almost drifted to slumber, she heard shuffling outside the cabin and it sounded more than one. Then a faint voice was heard outside the cabin, "Check this place out. We can hide out here."

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now