𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟑- 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤

Start from the beginning

"Do you have to be so blunt about things Alex?" B huffed, "Yes." I smiled back, flicking my ash onto the cold concrete. "It's really unladylike." She commented, I rolled my eyes. "Blair, as much as I love watching Audrey Hepburn with you I don't actually want to be her. Life isn't a movie! I'm sorry to be a total bitch okay? But, I'm sick of being taken for granted." I snapped slightly to my sister. Blair glanced over to me with a glower yet we both took a breath. I had to not take it all out on my twin. I stubbed out my cigarette and looked to B, "I'm sorry for snapping." I apologised gently. "We can sort the plan out inside. Just don't let mom get to you." B said sternly, walking back inside.

I took a deep breath before making my way back inside, I looked up to see the same two sophomores I spotted a week ago with Chuck. "I can't believe we're here!" Caitlin gushed as she sauntered in with her best friend. I looked over to them as they walked in, Kanis had a real designer bag on whilst Caitlin had a fake. I rolled my eyes at the pair as their loud mouths echoed the room, they were walking around in awe and finding their seats.

"Alexandra! What are you doing out here? You need to be back there right now!" Mom questioned, before stating sternly, I knew the nerves were getting the better of her. "Mom, just breathe, come on let's go. You can show me what you'd like me to wear." I gently said, she huffed out yet dragged me towards backstage. I shot a look to Blair, smirking to her as she went to speak to the volunteer. "Alright, mom, calm down. Why don't you go see Laurel? It's this garment over there right?" I asked her, pointing towards the outfit. "Well it says your name on it doesn't it?" She snarked back before sauntering towards Laurel.

I hated how mom was when she was overstressed, she often snaps at B and I unnecessarily. I walked over to Jenny who seemed to be fretting over her clipboard. "Alex, you need to get in your outfit." The blonde sternly told me. "How are you feeling about tonight?" I questioned the intern with as smirk, avoiding her instruction. A stupid little freshmen isn't bossing me about. "I'm sick of your mind games, Alex, can you just do what I ask please? I really don't wanna upset your mom." Jenny whined slightly to me. "Oh give it a rest Jenny, I'll get ready in a minute. I just wanted to tell you how proud I was of you, it takes great bravery to do what you're doing. Behind your dads back and all." I innocently stated, a small smile on my face.

"Is this about the seating chart?" She asked me with a sigh, I glanced over to Blair who was still talking to the volunteer. "No sweetie, it's all about the bigger picture. I mean I kinda admire you for doing what you've done...Especially looking this good." I flirted lightly, a small smile on my face. "Ugh, you're disgusting. Just stop playing mind games and stop saying stuff about my family." Jenny frowned at me, out of the corner of my eye I saw B give me a thumbs up. "Good luck Little J." I hummed to her, walking past her.


"𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚,where the hell are you? The fashion show starts in half an hour." I snarled down the phone, lighting another cigarette with my spare hand. I smoked a lot when I was nervous. "I'm just having some fun, relax jeez." She slurred to me, fuck, she was drunk. "I swear to God, if you don't start sobering up and getting your ass down here I'll end you in an instant. Do you understand me?" I seethed down the phone, taking a long drag of my cigarette a moment later. "Alright, alright, chill out. Hey Ally, you wanna come out with me later?" Georgina asked me, I let out a sigh as I flicked the ash onto the cold concrete. "We'll see how good our scheme goes first, then I'll see if I want to celebrate." I simply stated.

"What? Or you'll slob around in your silk pyjamas and watch Audrey Hepburn and cry at Funny Face, ugh." She snarked at me. "Just come to the Manhattan Center. If you impress me I'll eat you out." I bluntly told her, taking a final drag of my cigarette. "I've missed this Alexandra, the bitchier one. That's if I let you of course. I'm in charge here." Georgie said hanging up, "Fuck!" I cursed. I let out a sigh, ran a hand through my hair and went back inside, back stage of course. "That's sorted then, Serena will have to be the model instead of Alex. I mean, you do look beautiful in that dress." Laurel complimented, a smile on her face. "What!" I shrieked, horrified to say the least. "Where's Blair and where's my mother? They'll put this horrendous mistake right." I sternly said, yet I was starting to believe it wasn't a joke anymore because Serena was smirking at me.

𝐈'𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃| 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐗 𝐅𝐞𝐦! 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now