I want nothin' more, nothin' more, nothin' more.

118 13 34

"Jiseok! Where the hell is my button up??"

Jiseok walked out of the bathroom in an oversized t-shirt and shorts, drying his hair with a towel meanwhile a toothbrush practically falling out of his mouth.

"Why the hell do you need your button up? Is it the blue one?"

Jungsu nodded rapidly as he searched through everything closet and drawer in the apartment. "I need it because a certain someone is going to be at the mall today too!"

The younger boy raised his eyebrow in confusion. Instead of bothering the older he just rolled his eyes and went back into the bathroom to blow dry his hair.

"Ughhh you're no help!"

"I don't try to be one !!" Jiseok said as he closed the bathroom door.

Jiseok was currently sleeping over at Jungsu's house. It just started off at Jiseok bugging Jungsu about why he wasn't at any of his classes yesterday. Jungsu just said he was sick, so Jiseok said he'd take care of him. Which just resulted in him playing on Jungsu's gaming console the whole time.

So as an 'apology' for that, and I guess taking Jungsu Junior away, he said him and Jungsu could go to the mall.

Jungsu and Gunil were texting and apparently Gunil was going to the mall tomorrow with Jooyeon since Jooyeon wanted to go to a new store there. So of course, Jungsu wanted to dress nicely for the sudden occasion.

"Hyungggggg hurry upppp~! I want to head out now!"

"Sorry sorry!" Jungsu said as he quickly tied the laces of his Jordan's (I feel like Jungsu would have IMMACULATE taste in shoes.) and headed down the stairs, running his hands through his surprisingly combed blond hair.

"Oh jeez are you trying to impress me? Because if so it's not working because I like—"

"No Jiseok. I'm not trying to impress you." Jungsu said as he grabbed the car keys from the hook near the door, making his way out of the Apartment, Jiseok following and closing the door behind him.
In all honesty, Jungsu thought he looked stupid. He was wearing a blue button up with beige khaki shorts (it's giving Gunil in that one weekly idol ep.). He also put on a bit of eyeliner since he knew Gunil liked when he did, his shoes matching his shirt, light blue, black, and some white. His hair was parted down the middle and as Jiseok said 'looked as soft as a kangaroos back'. (Hey Ik it's like November for them, but cmon beauty can cost you freezing your butt odd)

Meanwhile with Gunil, he was dragged out with Jooyeon and when he tried to leave in sweats he was stopped by Jooyeon.

"Hyung! You are NOT wearing that!"

"What why?"

"You look homeless! Cmon I'll pick out your outfit."

So that resulted in Gunil leaving the house wearing Black shorts with a white crew neck. Along with His beat up white converse since the only other shoes he had were crocs and adidas, which Jooyeon said only middle aged try hard moms wear adidas, so he definitely did not wear those. (To people who wear adidas, sorry 💞)

"Hyung! Can we go to this store?"

Jungsu groaned as he dragged himself towards the store Jiseok was pointing at. "I'm tireddddd I wanna go homeeee"

"Oh cmon just like— two more stores please!!!"

"Ugh fine. Let's hurry this up, I'm tired."

The two walked into the store as Jungsu accompanied Jiseok as he scanned through all the clothes.

Jungsu glanced over and saw Jooyeon,, AND GUNIL.

'What the hell? Why is Gunil in THIS store?!'

"Hey Jiseok !! Hyung Look Jungsu and Jiseok are over here!" Jooyeon said as he grabbed Gunil's arm and pulled him over to the other side of the store where the other two were.

"Oh hey! Jungsu you didn't tell me you were also coming to the mall?"

"Oh yeah it was like— really last minute uhm, Jiseok was over and he really wanted to come to the mall so I was like 'yeah sureee let's go'"

Gunil smiled and nodded as he looked Jungsu up and down, he looked amazing. Way different from his sweats he usually wears.

Jungsu also thought Gunil looked good, even though he looked pretty basic, he still looked so handsome. Did he really like Gunil? Honestly, yeah.

"Is this like— his apology for stealing Jungsu Junior?"

Jiseok looked at Gunil confused, then over at Jungsu "who the hell is—" Jungsu quickly put his hand over Jiseoks mouth, giving him the 'shut your mouth or I'll shove the nearest hanger down your throat' kind of look.

"Oh hah yeah I guess so !! Hey do you wanna head to the food court together?" Jungsu said as he side-eyed Jiseok, slowly removing his cupped hand from Jiseok's mouth.

"Well Jooyeon was just complaining about wanting to go home so—"

"Don't worry Hyung we brought my car! I can just drive home by myself—"

"Hell no, I'll drive you." Spoke the cotton candy haired boy, "you'd like— crash into poles and shit. I'll leave you two, Cmon Joo."

Jooyeon smiled as he trotted after Jiseok who started to make their way out of the mall.

"Food court?"


"I know right! Like this stupid girl— oh my god I cannot believe I had to work with her! As if the other day didn't drive me insane, this was my last straw!!" Jungsu said as he bit off a part of a soft pretzel

Gunil nodded as he poked through his salad, soon jabbing it with his fork and eating a piece of vegetable.

"Thanks for paying by the way, do you want me to pay you back for t—"

"Nope. You already paid me for the lemonade last week, I'm fine."

"Gunil cmon that was three dollars, was was Like— 10 counting the drink—"

"Jungsu I said no. Once you're done with that we can head out, okay?"


The two finished their food and started to head out. Jungsu said he would drive Gunil home today since the elder drove the other home the other day.

"Alright we're here, I'll see you later Hyung?" Jungsu said as he park his car in front of Gunil's apartment complex.

"Uh yeah I'll see you in a bit." The dark haired boy said as he looked over at Jungsu. Their eyes locked as Gunil looked down at their lips, he felt themselves grow closer..

"Alright yeah Uhmm— see you later Jungsu-ah!" Gunil quickly backed away and rushed out of the car, smiling to Jungsu as he waved and walked into his apartment building.

Jungsu sighed or relief, he was scared Gunil was going to kiss him then!!

"Though.. I wouldn't have minded it."
Words: 1130

EIGTH CHAPTER ALREADY?? We're so close to the tenth chapter !! I hope you enjoyed this one, again sorry for lack of updates, school has been so terrible rn. Thank you for reading!! <33

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