I'll be true, it's just you.

72 10 39

'He didn't come, did he.'

"Jungsu-Hyung!!" Gunil heard someone yell as the door opened.

He felt his whole body freeze at the sight of the blond.

Baggy Acid-Washed jeans (BAGGY BAGGY JEANS 🫡) along with a tight black mesh shirt. Gunil looked Jungsu up and down and noticed how his shoes matched his outfit wonderfully as well. Jungsu was also wearing eyeliner with made Gunil almost fall to his knees right then and there.

"Hyung, you're staring." Seungmin said as he nudged Gunil's arm.

The elder snapped out of whatever trance he was in, he looked at Seungmin who was trying to hold in his laughter.

"Ahh stop, he just looks nice tonight y'know?"

Seungmin nodded as he took a sip out of his soda. "Uh huh, well I'm gonna go find Hyeongjun, you have fun with your little crush."

"Alright bye, wait I don't-! Ah Nevermind." Gunil said as he looked around for Jungsu, one blink and he practically disappeared.
A few hours had passed and Gunil was sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Yooo wanna beer?" Someone said as they held the bottle in front of Gunil.

"No I don't drink.."

"Pff cmon man! Here just take it" the guy hiccuped as he tossed the beer on the couch next to Gunil.

The drummer sighed and grabbed the beverage.

'Nothing bad will happen..'

He clicked open the can and took a swig, Gunil looked at the drink with disgust and put it on the nearby table, going back to his phone.

"Hyunggg" Jungsu said as he slowly walked over to Gunil, sitting next to him on the couch.

Gunil looked up from his phone and at Jungsu. "Oh hi Jungsu-ah, are you having fun?"

Jungsu nodded as he laid his head on the elders shoulder. "Yeah, it's just I wanna have more fun, like— excitement y'know?"

"Yeah I hear ya, it's a bit boring since everyone here is either drunk or— honestly just drunk."

The blond chuckled as he lifted his head from Gunil's shoulder to look at him in the eyes. "I never realized how pretty your eyes are Gunillie.." Jungsu spoke as he placed his hand on the other latter's cheek, slowly caressing his under eye with his thumb.

Gunil felt that knot tie up in his stomach again. "Well my eyes are like— shit brown so—"

Jungsu placed his index finger atop of Gunil's lips "shh.. you talk too much Hyung, just live in the moment. Enjoy it.." The younger slowly leaned in and closed the gap between the two's lips.

Gunil felt the knot untie itself as soon as Jungsu connected their lips. It was amazing. It felt so— so perfect, like their lips were two puzzle pieces craving to be connected. His eyes fluttered shut as he returned the kiss back, his arms wrapped around the others waist. Gunil could taste the lingering alcohol from Jungsu's mouth, but behind all that was a sweet taste of candy, specifically cherry flavored.

Jungsu moved himself into Gunil's lap, wrapping his arms around the others neck as they continued to kiss.

The elder slowly pulled away from the kiss, trying to catch his breath.

"You know, you're a really good kisser." Jungsu spoke with a smile.

A soft pink blush creeped onto Gunil's face, he chuckled. "Well thanks, you are too."

Jungsu looked down at Gunil, he hopped off his lap and grabbed Gunil's hand.

"Cmon, let's find the bedroom,,"

After the party, Gunil drove Jungsu home since instead of driving Jungsu called an Uber. And plus he was a bit drunk, who knows what could've happen if he left alone.

Gunil parked the car in front of Jungsu's apartment building. "Alright here we are, sleep well tonight Jungsu-ah"

Jungsu giggled and gave Gunil a quick peck on the lips, "You know I will, night Gunillie" Jungsu waved as he walked into his apartment building.

The elder smiled and waved as he watched Jungsu make his way into the building.
Next day at classes Jungsu, of course, showed up late. Gunil was worried when he didn't see Jungsu as first, but after his first class once he saw him conversing with Jiseok all worry left his body.

"Gunil-Hyung over here!!" Jiseok said as he waved the elder older.

Gunil looked over and smiled softly as he made his way to the two. "Hey guys—"

"Dude the party was so fun last night,, You must've had a lot of fun too huh" Jiseok said as he nudged Gunil's arm.

"Uh Huh well I'm gonna get to my next class, see you guys" Gunil spoke as he waved goodbye to his friends and made his way to his second class.

Jungsu looked over at Jiseok confused "Why did you say 'fun' to him like that?"

Jiseok looked over at Jungsu "Bro, you don't know what you guys did last night?"

The blond shook his head "Uhm no? All I remember is drinking then sleeping, at home."

"Dude you and Gunil— uh— Gangnam Styled"

Jungsu raised his eyebrow "We Dan— Oh my god.. nuh uh no we didn't"

"Yeah Huh!! I swear !!" Jiseok exclaimed.

"Wait ew how do you know?!"

"I heard, a little."

Jungsu looked at the other in disgust "You perv. But there's no way I did it with him,, I practically cussed him out the same day! Well not exactly but—"

Jiseok scoffed "You also kissed him first, so who's fault was it really?"

"Whatever I'm going to class."

"Have Fun Hyung!" Jiseok waved as he too made his way to his next class.

'There's no way. He's lying, for sure.'
WOOOOO CHAPTER THIRTEENNNNN  I hope you  guys enjoyed it andddd I'll see you in the next chapter !

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