Just let me wave to you not wave goodbye, let me stay by your side

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1 notification from "Goo Gun the Second 🤓☝️"

Goo Gun the Second 🤓☝️
Hey Jungsu! I was wondering if you wanted
to hang out today ?? I don't have work today
So I thought if you wanted we could go to
The mall or smth

Jungsu sighed as he read the text, he did miss him and Gunil's one on one hangouts, but it would be awkward after what Jiseok said the two of them did. Maybe Gunil didn't remember either? He decided, fuck it.

                                                                Sure sounds fun
                                                                           what time ?
Goo Gun the Second 🤓☝️
Uhmm I can pick you up at

                                         Sounds good I'll see u then 😘

Gunil felt his heart face at the emoji Jungsu added, he sprung up from his bed and rushed to his closet to try to put together an at least decent outfit for his and Jungsu's upcoming hangout.

He decided to settle for something nice, but simple. He grabbed a pair of Jeans and slipped on a black hoodie. Gunil also planned on wearing his converse but he still had about an hour before he had to head out, so while he waited he just laid on his bed and scrolled through social media.
Though for Jungsu, he didn't get ready until the last minute. But he decided to settle on a pair of cargo pants and a white t-shirt, also with his converse. Sure it was around 40 degrees Fahrenheit, but he didn't get cold easily, or so he thought.

1 notification from "Goo Gun the Second 🤓☝️"

Goo Gun the Second 🤓☝️
Jungsu im outside hurry up

                                                                            B right out

Jungsu quickly tied his shoes and grabbed his backpack stuffing his water bottle, wallet, portable charger, AirPods (you never know), and chapstick. He grabbed his phone as put it in the pocket of his pants and ran out the door to meet Gunil.

Gunil was sitting on his phone in the car as he waited for Jungsu, soon hearing the car door open to reveal a very pretty blond boy.


Gunil looked up at Jungsu and smiled softly "Hi,, uhm you ready to go?"

Jungsu nodded as Gunil started to back out of the driveway.

The younger snatched the aux cord and plugged in his phone. Once his phone connected he clicked shuffle on his playlist and glanced over at Gunil, who just had a soft expression on his face, a little smile forming once the music started playing.
"Right! And then she like— wouldn't let me walk away? And when she asked 'oh what's your type in girls' I just blurted out 'I don't even like girls!' Because I couldn't lie to her y'know?" Jungsu said as he stuffed a soft pretzel in his mouth. Him and Gunil had just finished shopping, well mostly just Jungsu, Gunil was holding most of the bags.

The elder nodded as he watched Jungsu eat the pretzel. "Yeah I get that, well I'm sorry that all happened, will you be coming back to classes?"

Jungsu shook his head "I might drop out to be honest.."

Gunil felt his heart drop at the words "What?! You can't drop out Jungsu! I mean— what happened to your dream? Our dream! Of becoming rock stars! Remember ?"
"Jungsu-Ah!!" The young boy spoke as he ran over to the cat eyed boy, pushing his glasses up with his fingers.

The other boy smiled at his Hyung running over "Gunillie! What's going on? Did you get bullied again?? I'll beat them up!!" Jungsu spoke as he bawled his hands into fists and punched the air.

Gunil giggled and shook his head "Nooo not today at least, but My mom signed me up for drumming lessons!! Isn't that cool?!"

"Wahhh that's so cool Hyung!! My mama said I might be able to learn the Piano.."

The glasses boy gasped "what if we become rockstars!!"

"Like a band??"

Gunil nodded rapidly, poor boys head started to get dizzy. "Yeah!! When we make new friends we will become a rock band! Like— An Extraordinary Band!! Like a super hero of something!!"

Jungsu slowly nodded "New friends? But we won't leave eachother, right?"

The elder boy giggled and shook his head "Course not! Cmon let's go play now!" He spoke as he grabbed Jungsu's hand and led him out to the playground.
"Yeah I guess, but I'm pretty sure I don't need college to join a band, right?" Jungsu spoke as he ate the last bits of his pretzel.

"Jungsu you can't just quit on me like this! What about our band— our promise!!—"

Jungsu scoffed "Cmon Hyung be realistic we were just kids!"

Gunil felt his whole body just break into pieces. "Fine. Have at it then. Take your shit too, I'll see you later Jungsu." He spoke as he dropped the bags full of stuff in front of Jungsu. "And here, I wrote it, for when we become a band, or should I say, if we did." Gunil sighed and started to walk out of the mall, tears rolling down his face.

Jungsu looked at the piece of paper Gunil crumpled and threw at him, in big bold letters it read 'Good Enough' at the top. The lyrics were in English, he always loved when Gunil spoke English, it made him calm.

"Oh my god.." Jungsu spoke as he read through the lyrics, he wasn't the best at English, but above the words were little subtitles in Korean to help him understand. He looked up to try and find the elder but no one was to be found.

'Hyung.. I'm so sorry..'
I've given up on writing the number of words per chapter, ANYWAYS this story is most definitely coming to an end soon 💔💔 but see you at the (maybe) last chapterrrrr (not sure if it will be yet but we'll see)

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