Climbin' up to reach your land, Never done

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Gunil yawned as he slowly sat up in bed, he looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand.

5:53 AM

He groaned as he had another whole hour to sleep in. Gunil dug his face into his pillow as he tried to fall asleep again, but he just couldn't. He sighed as he sat up and just accepted the fact he wasn't able to go back to sleep. To cherish the handful of time he had, he decided to get ready for the day, He did have classes today anyways.

Gunil studied at JYP College for Music (Was gonna say Berklee but, I didn't.). Along with his friends Jungsu, Jiseok, Seungmin, Hyeongjun, and Jooyeon. Gunil and Jungsu had been friends since their freshman year of highschool. Jiseok had joined their duo a few months later. Then Seungmin and Hyeongjun were a grade younger so they met them a bit later. And with Jooyeon, They met him last since he's the youngest out of the six boys.

Ever since they all became a friend group they were never separated. They all applied to the same college, with the older three they all opened their letters on call together. They were screaming so loudly all of their sounds cut out, causing the call to crash.

With Seungmin and Hyeongjun, they opened their letters together in person then once they saw they both got accepted they texted the groupchat.

Meanwhile Jooyeon.. He almost completely forgot to send his application. He sent it last minute and when he saw he got accepted he almost ripped the letter because of how excited he was.


About an hour had passed and Gunil was dressed and ready for the day. Because of the no sleep incident earlier he actually had time to eat breakfast, all he had though was a bowl of cereal, but hey it's better than nothing.

Gunil checked the time on his phone

6:47 AM

He quickly slipped on his sneakers, grabbing his bag that was hanging next to his door and started to make his way to his University.

Gunil did live off campus, but it was only a 15 minute walk, so he didn't think it was that bad. Plus, he enjoyed walking there every morning. It calmed him down.

Once he arrived on campus he looked around to see if any of his friends were here yet. He could spot Jiseok from a mile away with his multicolored hair (I'm doing cotton candy hair Jiseok because it was too iconic.).

"Hey Jiseok !" Gunil yelled out as he waved to get the boys attention

The poor boy was startled by the sudden yell of his name, he looked around and soon noticed Gunil. His whole face lit up as he waved and rushed over.

"Hi Hyung, did you sleep well last night?" Jiseok asked as the two started to walk through campus.

"Eh, I slept alright,I woke up crazy early though.."

"Oh." He chuckled "I woke up like--last minute, like 6:30 or something,, I'm surprised I was able to get ready for the day in time"

Gunil sighed in response, "You've gotta start getting up earlier, set an alarm or something, hell just ask Jooyeon to go in and scream in your ear."

Jiseok laughed again "Yeah maybe I will."

"Hey guys !!"

Gunil perked his head up at the sudden yell.

Jiseok's smile widened, "Yo Jungsu !!"

The elder male smiled as he saw the blond haired boy make his way over to the pair.

"Hi Jiseok, Hi Hyung, oh man guys I got like zero sleep last night."

Gunil had a worried look on his face "Oh why's that? What time did you go to bed??"

Jungsu shrugged "I dunno, was just thinking about stuff. I went to bed at around-- four am ?"

The dark haired boy nodded as he calculated everything in his head, "So you only got two and a half hours of sleep last night?!"

Jiseok looked up at Gunil wide-eyed. "Jeez Gunil-Hyung how the hell did you do that so quickly?"

Jungsu playfully nudged Gunil's arm with his elbow, "Hyung is just so smart huh?"

Gunil felt butterflies swarm through his stomach, his face flushing a light pink. He rubbed his hand behind his neck. "Ah I'm not that smart, it was simple math really.."

"You're so humble too ! how do you not have a girlfriend Hyung?" Jiseok asked with a playful expression.

Jungsu lightly slapped Jiseok's shoulder "Cmon Jiseok-Ah don't just ask people that. What if he doesn't want to be in a relationship right now?" Jungsu rolled his eyes at the younger as he looked up at Gunil with a soft smile.

The older latter felt his heart racing. In all honesty, Jungsu was gorgeous. Attracted to him or not, you couldn't not agree. His blonde, almost white, hair suited him perfectly. Along with his cat like eyes. Back in highschool Jungsu confessed when his was bored he would take some of his sisters eyeliner and mess around with it. But now since they are older, Jungsu bought his own and every now and then he puts a little on. And it looks wonderful on him.

Usually you would see him just wearing sweats, but at dances or fancy dinners his style was immaculate. I mean just in general. he had amazing taste in clothes.

"Uhmm Hyungggg? Gunil? Yoo-hoo!!" Jiseok Jumped up and snapped his fingers in Gunil's face which caused him to break out of whatever trance he was in.

"Oh sorry-- I got lost in thought,," He chuckled awkwardly which caused Jungsu to flash another smile

"You're fine don't worry Hyung, Anyways ! its almost 7:25, i'll see you guys at passing period !! Bye Jiseok ! Bye Gunil !" Jungsu waved as he trotted off to his first class.

The two others waved their farewells as they watched the blonde boy slowly fade away into the crowd of people.

"Yeah I better head to class, I was told if I was late again I'd have extra homework, and you know damn well I can never do homework. Anyways see ya Hyung!!"

Gunil nodded and waved to Jiseok as well "Right ! Bye Jiseok!"

He sighed as he too started to make his way to his next class as well.

For the first time in forever, Gunil could not get himself to focus on what was going on in class. All he was focused on was Kim Jungsu. But why? It wasn't like he had a crush on him or anything, he didn't even like boys !! Or so he thought..

Does Gunil like his childhood best friend?
Word Count: 1110 words

WOOOO FIRST CHAPTER !! as I was writing Good Enough started playing, is it fate? MAYBE SOOOO

anyways hope you enjoy <33 and Just like Jungsu, I will not be going to bed until like four.

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