Let's be true, 'cause it's you.

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Authors note: hey! Before we get into this I just want to say this story takes place modern times, but in October. So currently in the story Halloween is tomorrow. Just thought I should clear this up, enjoy the chapter !!
It was the next day already, Gunil was exhausted from his shift at work yesterday. He worked at a local restaurant and the place was flooded with people yesterday. So many tables he had to take care of. But only one person was on his mind, Jungsu.

Gunil was making his way to the first class, he looked around to see if he could spot any of his friends, but there was no one, or so he thought.

"Yo Gunil! Over here mate !"

The other latter looked up as he saw the bright haired boy wave Gunil over, he was with a few other people who he figured were his friends Chan told him about the other day.

"Oh hey !" He spoke as he walked over to Chan and his friends.

"So guys, this is Gunil, Gunil this is Felix, Han, and Changbin." Gunil smiled at the three boys in front of him. Glancing down he saw Changbin and Chan's hands intertwined.

Chan looked at Gunil who had noticed. A small worried expression on his face.

"Oh yeah uhm- me and Changbin are dating," Chan thought Gunil would find that weird but he just smiled at Chan.

"That's awesome, how long have you two been together?"

Chan let out a relieved sigh as he explained to Gunil how he and Changbin met and what not.

"But yeah that's kinda how we started dating— anyways I don't wanna be late to class, see you in second period! Bye Gunil!" Chan spoke as he and Changbin rushed off to their first class.

Gunil smiled and waved back as he started to walk to his first class.

Once classes were over and done with, Gunil met up with Jungsu since the younger asked to meet up with him.


Gunil looked over and rushed over to Jungsu, giving him a quick hug then sitting down on the bench where the younger was sitting.

"Hi Jungsu, what did you need to meet up for?"

Jungsu felt nervous, he fiddled with his fingers a bit before asking, "so uhm- I was wondering if you uh.. do you wanna match costumes with me and the boys on Halloween? We're all wearing onesies of our favorite animal. Jooyeons a wolf, Hyeongjuns a Bunny, Seungmin a Fox, Jiseok a duck, and I'm gonna have a cat one."

Gunil smiled at the thought and nodded.

Jungsu's face lit up "okay awesome! Uh I know you're favorite animal is a hamster so I have the perfect one I can send it to you later."

"Okay sounds good." The elder boy spoke

"Oh! And we're also going to a haunted house later, wanna come?"

He thought about it. It could be a could way to get closer to Jungsu. So Gunil decided to agree. "Sure, sounds fun."

"Okay yeah great! See you later Hyung! Bye!" The younger spoke out as he started to make his way back home.

Gunil waved as he too started walking back to his apartment.

Later in the day, Gunil got a call from Jungsu.

"Hey Hyung ! We're all outside in the car waiting, hurry up !"

Gunil just laughed and said he would be out in a minute. He slipped on a pair of sneakers and made his way outside, being greeted by Jungsu in the drivers seat, everyone else in the back.

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