'Cause it's good enough. Yeah, it's good enough for me.

121 15 31

"Are you and Chan like.. a thing?"

Gunil nearly choked on his drink.


"Are you?! Answer the question Hyung!"

Gunil stared at Jungsu in disbelief. He felt terrible that Jungsu thought him and Chan were dating.

"No we aren't, Chan has a boyfriend."

"Do you like him though??" Jungsu asked as he took another sip out of his drink.

"No, I like someone else."

"Can I know who?"

Gunil thought for a minute. He didn't even know if Jungsu also liked guys. And even if he did there was still a chance Gunil wasn't his type. But then again, there could be a chance, and if Jungsu did like him back they could start their amazing adventure together now.

"I feel like if I told you— you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore."

Jungsu scoffed "be realistic Hyung! We've been friends ever since our freshman year- of Highschool! I promise I won't ever stop being your friend."

the elder felt more confident about confessing to the blond, sure he was still scared, but what's the worse that could happen?

"it's you."

Jungsu paused everything he doing "wha..what?"

The dark haired boy felt hid body grow hot, as if he was about to evaporate right then and there. "I- uh.. I'm sorry.."

"No no Gunil I.." Jungsu couldn't find the right words to use, his friend for— well for almost forever just confessed to him. Yes he liked Gunil too, just something was holding him back.

"I'm not good enough for you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm nothing compared to you.."

Gunil felt like his heart had just been shredded into a million pieces.

"Jungsu,, you're more than good enough, you're perfect.."

Jungsu slowly shook his head as he took another sip from the red plastic party cup.

"You're nice, funny, god you're gorgeous too.."

The blond boy sat in thought as he stared into the table. Gunil really did like him. But Jungsu wasn't ready. Well sure he wanted to date Gunil but..he was scared. Scared that after some time Gunil would grow bored of him and end their relationship. Scared that Gunil would judge him for all his problems. Absolutely terrified that Gunil wouldn't think he was good enough.

"I'm sorry I.. it's getting late." Jungsu spoke as he quickly got out of his seat, rushing to the front door and running out

"Wait Jungsu—!" It was too late. The door slammed shut and Gunil felt like he could turn into straight ash and then float away into the ibis right then and there.

"I fucked up."

Once Jungsu arrived back to his apartment and slammed the door shut and slowly sunk down onto the ground, tears pooling out of his eyes.

He got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He undressed and then looked at himself in the mirror. God did he hate his body. All he wanted to do was grab a knife and slash it through his stomach, his legs, his.. every where. He let out a Breathy sigh as he slowly got into the shower. The blazing hot water hitting his body felt like a relief.

Once he was done washing his body he got out and immediately wrapped himself in a towel. Heading to his bedroom and changing into sweats.

Actually, his hatred for his body was the reason he always wore sweats out. Unless he was forced to dress remotely nice. Jungsu thought if he wore a sweatshirt with sweatpants no one would comment on his body. By comment he means make fun of it.

Jungsu skipped through the playground as he encountered a group of boys playing with the metal steering wheel. His face lit up as he trotted up to the boys.

"Hi! I'm Jungsu, can I play with you guys?"

The boy looked over at Jungsu with a nasty side-eye. "Ew. No go away!"

The boys soon happy expression faded into a more sad one. "That's not nice.."

"Shutup! Ugh you're hard to look at.."

The other boy snickered at his comment. "You're so chubby!"

Jungsu felt like he could cry right then and there. And he did. "Can.. Can I at least play with the steering wheel?" He spoke between sniffs as he held his hand out to hold the wheel

The boy slapped away his hand "Get away !" He pushed Jungsu with ended up in him banging his tooth on the metal steering wheel. His front tooth flying out into the mulch.

Jungsu sighed as he wiped away the tears that trickled down his cheeks. He sighed and decided to get some sleep. Turning off his bedside lamp. Before the blind went to bed, though he grabbed his phone.

7 missed calls

12 messages from "Gunillie 💪"

Jungsu powered off his phone. He placed it on his nightstand and turned to face the opposite side, trying his hardest to drift off to sleep.
Words: 826

A more shorter chapter I know, but I really thought abt this one, and  that little flashback I took from experience so I hope it was okay 😭, anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter !! Until chapter seven~

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