Is it gravity or ocean wind that always bring me back, wanting you?

110 16 34

It was now 2:30. Gunil and the other five were making their way to the cafe, everything was going fine !

"Wait guys im curious, do any of you like anyone?" The cotton candy haired boy asked as he looked around at the other five boys who were with him.

Jungsu scoffed as he looked up from his phone and at the younger "what a stupid question..." he spoke as he looked around at everything then sighed. "Okay yeah I like someone,, what about you guys?"

Seungmin nodded. "Yeah I do,,"

"Me too !" Jooyeon jumped up"

"Same" Hyeongjun and Jiseok spoke one after the other

"What about you Hyung? Do you like someone?" Jungsu asked as he walked closer to the elder

Gunil shrugged "uhm.. I don't know,, kinda ??"

Jungsu just nodded as he backed up and started a conversation with Jiseok.
"Hi can i please get uh.. 6 iced americanos, two croissants, a brownie, two chocolate chip cookies, and one slice of strawberry cake?"

The cashier nodded as she typed into the iPad in front of her "all set! That would be 34.67, cash or card?"

Gunil sighed as he took out his wallet and grabbed his credit card "card, please."

The girl nodded as she took his card and swiped it. Once the payment went through she handed the card back with a smile "Name for the order?"

"Uh Gunil"

"Alright ! It'll be out shortly, thank you!"

Gunil smiled at the girl then started to walk to the booth where the other five boys were sitting.

"Did you order the food?!" Jooyeon spoke out


"You got my strawberry cake?"

"Yes Joo."

"Good" Jooyeon smiled as he laid back in the booth.

Gunil sat down next to Jungsu as Jiseok and Seungmin started bickering over stupid topics

"What do you mean an apple would beat an orange in a fight? You are so wrong! An Orange would definitely beat an apple! Mostly because—"

Seungmin sighed as he listened to Jiseok blabber on about why an Orange is more 'superior' in beating an Apple.

Jungsu chuckled as he looked over at Gunil, resting his chin on his palms.

"So, how are you Hyung?"

Gunil looked over at Jungsu as he felt his face burn hot. "I uh— I'm doing alright.. how about you?"

Jungsu shrugged. "Eh I'm alright, though there's this girl in my class—"

Gunil felt that feeling in his stomach again, like someone was tying a shoelace in there.

"And she is SO annoying ! Like the teacher asked if anyone was nervous blah blah the she just shot up and was like 'oh well— I just moved here from London so I'm so nervous, but I'm glad because I know three languages' and I never wanted to punch someone so badly.." Jungsu chuckled. "Sorry for the rant"

The elder let out a breath of air he didn't know he had been holding, he smiled at Jungsu and smile reassuringly "Don't worry you're fine.."

"Order for Gunil !?"

Gunil got up from his seat and grabbed the tray of coffee's and pastries. He walked over to the booth and placed the food and drinks in the middle as he watched the younger one launch over and grab his slice of cake.

The six boys ate and talked about— well who knows what. Jungsu decided to grab his cup of coffee and take a sip.

"Augh—" Jungsu crinkled his face in dissatisfaction "This is nasty—"

Gunil looked over at Jungsu shoved the Americano away from him. "You don't like Americanos?"

"Well i guess now I don't—"

"Are you thirsty?"

"I mean yeah but I have my water bottle so—"

Gunil shook his head as he went up to the cashier and ordered a Lemonade for Jungsu. Once it was done he made his way back to the table and handed it to Jungsu along with a Straw.

Jungsu felt butterflies swarm around in his stomach, he smiled as he took the lemonade and took a sip.

"Thank you.."

Gunil smiled and nodded.

Hyeongjun watched the twos interaction carefully. He slowly turned away and started talking to Seungmin.
"Hyung ! Thank you from Bringing us hereeee !" Jooyeon spoke as he gave Gunil a huge hug.

The dark haired boy laughed as he hugged Jooyeon back "ah it was no problem.."

Jungsu pulled out some cash from his back pocket and held it out in front of Gunil

Gunil looked at the money with concern. "What's that for?"

"Uhm for the lemonade, take it."

Gunil shook his head as he pushed the money back to Jungsu. "It's fine, it wasn't that much anyways."

Jungsu pushed the money back to Gunil. "I insist please take it—"

"No. I have a job I can get the money back—"


Gunil's eyes widened as he slowly took the few bills and put them in the pocket of his hoodie.


The elder just laughed and shook his head, "it's fine don't worry. Well I'll see you all tomorrow, I've got work later and last time I was late I got scolded by my boss." Gunil chuckled out "See you guys !!" He waved as he started to make his way back to his apartment to change.
It was just Jungsu Hyeongjun and Seungmin now. Jiseok had to go home because he forgot to claim his daily diamonds on royale high (best thing I could think of). And Jooyeon wanted to go with him.

"So Jungsu-Hyung. Do you like Gunil-Hyung?"

Jungsu choked on his spit as he looked at Hyeongjun wide eyed. "What-? Course not! Uh- What made you think that?.."

Seungmin sighed "Everything."

The older of the three sighed and nodded. "I mean I think so.. he's really nice, and funny, and honestly he is really good looking.."

Hyeongjun smiled as Jungsu talked.

"But then again I don't even know if he likes guys,, oh shit is it weird that I like guys!?"

Seungmin shook his head as he looked at Hyeongjun. "No, actually me and Hyeongjun do too."

The bunny boy smiled and nodded. "Yeah we're dating"


"Oh. It's fine Seungmin don't worry,"

Jungsu's worried expression soon changed into a surprised one. "Aw, I'm glad you told me. Even if you didn't mean too. Do the others know?"

Hyeongjun shook his head "not yet, but we'll tell them soon since we— well I told you."

Jungsu smiled and nodded.

Did he like Gunil?

Yeah. He did.
words: 1077

WOOOO NEW CHAPTERRRRRRR. Sorry I was gone I was so caught up with trades/sale (my trading/selling ínsta is @ sweet.hameun.fake go check it out winks)
But yeahhhhh hope you enjoyed !!

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