Chapter 32: The Legacy of Radiance, Part II

Start from the beginning

As Varun accelerated away, Glitch turned his attention to the approaching agents. His battlesuit surged with energy, his powers responding to his will. Energy constructs formed in his hands, deflecting bullets and creating openings to counterattack with his Frenzy.

Varun's motorcycle engine roared in the distance, and Glitch's eyes tracked his progress. Just as the Vulture appeared on the horizon, a wall of water surged from Varun's motorcycle, creating a slick obstacle on the ground.

Captain Greaves, one of the pursuing agents, skidded on the watery surface, his motorcycle losing control. His attempts to regain balance were thwarted when Varun's wall of water caused his motorcycle to topple. Greaves landed on the pavement with a heavy thud, his weapon trained on Varun.

The situation grew tense as Greaves fired a shot. Varun's motorcycle veered, narrowly avoiding the bullet. On a makeshift ramp, Varun's motorcycle lost balance, the vehicle teetering on the edge of disaster.

In a heart-stopping moment, Varun was on the verge of falling to his doom. But just as the abyss beckoned, Glitch glitched from behind him. With an agile move, he propelled them both skyward, their bodies landing safely on the Vulture's landing platform.

Varun blinked in disbelief, his heart racing as the Vulture's hatch sealed shut. Glitch stood beside him and offered a hand, a reassuring presence. "Looks like you'll be living a bit longer," Glitch quipped.

Varun's laughter mingled with relief and took the hand. "And you've got my thanks."

As the Vulture ascended, leaving the chaos of the streets behind, Glitch turned to Varun. "Welcome aboard. I'll take you to Brimstone."

And with the sky stretching above them, an unlikely alliance took shape, forged in the crucible of danger and bound by the promise of a shared journey.




The Headquarters, Alpha Earth

Glitch and Varun entered Brimstone's office, where Brimstone, Yoru, and Astra promptly rose from their seats, acknowledging their presence. "Glad to see you both. Was just thinking about sending more agents," Brimstone greeted.

Glitch responded jokingly, "Oh, come on, you know I'm not that weak."

Turning his attention to Varun, Glitch introduced him to the others. "Allow me to introduce you. This is Astra, that's Yoru, and this is the founder of Valorant, Brimstone." He then shifted towards Brimstone, motioning towards Varun. "Varun Batra, the person you've been searching for," he stated.

Varun extended his hand, shaking Brimstone's. "A pleasure to be here. Thank you."

Brimstone's voice resonated with warmth. "Welcome to the Valorant Protocol."

Yoru's surprise was evident. "Wait, he's in? just like that?"

Brimstone provided context. "We had Cypher thoroughly investigate him. His dedication through years of service fighting Radiant criminals earned him a reputation as a hero and a legend."

With attention returning to Varun, Brimstone emphasized their need for assistance. "Truth be told, we could really use your skills."

Varun affirmed his willingness. "I've heard rumors about your team at REALM. I'll be more than happy to contribute."

The agents' attention was drawn to the bracelet adorning Varun's wrist. Yoru's keen observation identified it. "That's one of them. The Pillar of Ocean's bracelet," Yoru remarked.

Brimstone's curiosity was piqued. "What does it do?"

Varun offered an explanation. "Grants me control over water – I can summon water out of thin air and manipulate it. Are you planning to take it from my hands?"

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