Namjin proposal series

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Proposal on birthday

On a picturesque day that held a double significance, Namjoon found himself gathering his courage for a moment that had been carefully planned for months. It was not just any day; it was Namjoon's birthday, a day he had chosen to make unforgettable not just for himself, but for Jin as well.

As the sun cast a golden hue over the city, Namjoon led Jin to a quaint park that held a special place in their hearts. The park had witnessed countless walks, conversations, and stolen glances between them. Today, it would bear witness to a moment that would forever change their lives.

"Jin, you know how much this place means to us, right?" Namjoon said, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia.

Jin smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Of course, Joonie. This park holds so many memories."

Namjoon nodded, his heart racing as he looked at the man beside him, the person who had become his rock and his joy. He took a deep breath, reminding himself of the significance of this day, not just as his birthday, but as the day he would ask Jin to be his partner for life.

They strolled along the familiar path, their steps slowing as they reached a beautifully decorated gazebo. Strings of fairy lights adorned the structure, casting a soft glow in the daylight. In the center, a small table was set, adorned with flowers and a few personal touches that Namjoon knew Jin would appreciate.

Jin's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the scene. "Joonie, what's all this?"

Namjoon smiled, his heart filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "Jin, today is not just my birthday. It's a day to celebrate us, our journey, and the love we share."

Jin's gaze softened as he looked at Namjoon, his heart beginning to understand the gravity of the moment. "Joonie…"

Namjoon took Jin's hand in his, his fingers intertwining with Jin's. He led Jin to the table, where a single, elegantly wrapped box awaited. Namjoon held the box out to Jin, his eyes never leaving Jin's gaze.

"Jin, you are the light of my life, the person who completes me in every way. With you, I've found a love that's deeper than I ever imagined. Today, on my birthday, I want to ask you something important."

Jin's eyes shimmered with emotion as he took the box from Namjoon's hand, his fingers trembling slightly. With gentle fingers, he unwrapped the box to reveal a delicate ring nestled inside.

Namjoon took a step closer to Jin, his voice filled with sincerity. "Seokjin, will you marry me?"

Tears glistened in Jin's eyes as he looked at the ring, then at Namjoon. His voice was soft, filled with love. "Namjoon, you've been my anchor, my partner, and my greatest source of happiness. Yes, a thousand times yes!"

As Jin's heartfelt affirmation filled the air, the park seemed to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the significance of the moment. Namjoon's face broke into a radiant smile as he slipped the ring onto Jin's finger, sealing their promise with a symbol of their love and commitment.

The couple embraced tightly, tears of happiness mingling as they held each other close. The sun continued its journey across the sky, casting its warm glow on the newly engaged couple. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, united by love and the promise of a shared future.

As they pulled away from the embrace, Jin looked into Namjoon's eyes, his smile radiant. "You've given me the best birthday gift ever, Joonie."

Namjoon chuckled, brushing a tear from Jin's cheek. "I'm glad you think so. And I promise to keep giving you the best gifts for the rest of our lives."

Hand in hand, they walked away from the gazebo, their hearts brimming with joy and anticipation. Namjoon's birthday had indeed become unforgettable, not just for him, but for Jin as well. And as they embarked on this new chapter together, they knew that their love story was destined to be as beautiful and enduring as the moment Namjoon proposed to Jin on his birthday.

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