One sided love (Jin)

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Hold your tissues this is going to hurt

Jin had always been the one to light up the room with his bright smile and infectious laughter. He was known for his caring nature, his love for food, and his ability to make everyone around him feel special. But there was one secret he held close to his heart, a secret that he had kept hidden for years – his one-sided love for Namjoon.

It started innocently enough, back when they were just trainees chasing the same dream. Jin admired Namjoon's dedication, his intelligence, and his talent for songwriting. He found himself drawn to Namjoon's quiet moments, the times when he would sit alone with his thoughts, penning lyrics that would later become the soul of their songs.

Jin's heart would flutter whenever Namjoon would look his way during practice, his gaze filled with warmth and understanding. But as time passed, those innocent feelings evolved into something deeper, something that Jin struggled to comprehend. He would steal glances at Namjoon when he thought no one was looking, his heart racing as their eyes would meet, if only for a fleeting second.

The realization hit Jin like a wave crashing against the shore – he was in love with Namjoon. But he couldn't bring himself to reveal his feelings. He feared that confessing his love would jeopardize their friendship, their group dynamics, and their shared dreams. So, he buried his emotions deep within his heart, vowing to support Namjoon from the shadows, even if it meant hiding his own pain.

He watched as Namjoon laughed with the other members, shared his thoughts during meetings, and led their group with wisdom beyond his years. Jin admired Namjoon's strength, his ability to handle the pressures of their demanding industry, and his unwavering dedication to their music.

But there were moments when Jin's heart would ache with longing, like the time he watched Namjoon celebrate a successful performance with the members, their laughter filling the air. He yearned to be the one to make Namjoon smile that way, to be the one who could share in his triumphs and his struggles.

Jin often found himself seeking solace in his music, pouring his unspoken feelings into melodies and lyrics that would never be heard. He would pen verses about love and longing, about watching someone from afar and hoping that they felt the same way. And every time he sang those words, he couldn't help but think of Namjoon.

As the years went by, Jin's feelings remained a well-guarded secret. He supported Namjoon's relationships, his dreams, and his endeavors, all the while concealing his own heartache. He was content to be by Namjoon's side, even if it meant being nothing more than a friend and a bandmate.

There were moments when Jin would steal moments with Namjoon, cherishing every interaction, every touch, every shared smile. He would commit those memories to his heart, knowing that they were the closest he could ever get to the person he loved.

But life had a way of testing Jin's resolve. He watched as Namjoon got closer to someone, someone who seemed to understand him in a way Jin couldn't. The pang of jealousy that surged through Jin's heart was undeniable, a painful reminder of the love he had buried deep within himself.

One night, as they sat together in a quiet corner of their dorm, Namjoon turned to Jin with a thoughtful expression. "Jin, there's something I've been wanting to tell you."

Jin's heart raced, his emotions a whirlwind of hope and fear. "What is it, Namjoon?"

Namjoon took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto Jin's. "I've met someone. Someone who makes me feel understood, who supports me, and who's become an important part of my life."

Jin's smile wavered, but he forced himself to respond with genuine happiness. "Namjoon, that's wonderful. I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy."

Namjoon's smile was warm, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I wanted to tell you because you've always been there for me, Jin. You're my rock, my confidant."

Jin's heart clenched as he listened to Namjoon's words. He wanted to be the one Namjoon turned to, the one who could make him feel that way. But he knew that his own feelings would forever remain unspoken.

As the night grew quieter, Jin found himself lost in a sea of conflicting emotions. He was happy for Namjoon, genuinely happy, but his heart ached with the weight of his unspoken love. He knew that he could never be the one to make Namjoon feel the way he wanted to.

And so, Jin would continue to love Namjoon from a distance, cherishing the moments they shared and finding solace in the friendship they had built. He knew that his love would forever remain one-sided, a bittersweet melody that echoed in the chambers of his heart, reminding him of a love that could never be.

Damn one sided love really hurts .

Just joonie owning the world .

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