5. Sweet Drunk night (Part 1)

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Stream yours ost by jin for a good life

And read this namjin fanfic with namjesus and hoby water for a life in hell

Cause who fucking wants heaven ?????

Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Where are you going?" Namjoon and Seokjin just had dinner, and Namjoon was now putting on his coat, looking ready to leave somewhere. "Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm meeting Jackson  tonight," He said, looking at his husband who followed him to the hallway.

"Jackson? Oh your old friend back in high school?" Seokjin asked with a nod. "Yeah, I haven't seen him in ages, so we decided to go drink somewhere tonight," Namjoon said, his gaze upon the umbrella this time. To bring, or not to bring. "Oh.. but now that our parents are staying at your grandparents' place, I'll be lonely…" Seokjin said, poking his fingers together. "Then wanna come along?" Namjoom asked, surprising him.

"No! No thanks, I'll stay here," Seokjin said in a hurry, shaking his  head vividly. he absolutely didn't want to get between him and Jackson. Like he said, it had been ages since they arranged a meeting, so it should be a good night out. Namjoon sighed and shook his head. "You don't make any sense. Well, bye." He hesitated, recognized his cute questioning eyes and then kissed him forehead before he left.

The door closed behind him and Seokjin sighed. Then he stretched his arms and let out a squeal. This wasn't too bad after all. It had been a while since he had been home alone, so he thought he'd go upstairs and take a relaxing bath!

Seokjin had a good time being alone. After the bath he watched a movie and read a few chapters in his book. By time he had done all that it was already past midnight, and Namjoon still wasn't back yet. he was sitting on their bed, reading his book while listening to romantic songs on the radio.

"Hmmm..." he gazed at the clock and noticed that it was already pretty late. he thought to himself that Namjoon might be home late, so he'd better go to bed already.

he climbed off the bed and started to undress. While doing so he was singing along with the radio, making him unaware of the sound of the front door. he did notice when the door of the bedroom opened and hhe gave a shriek in surprise when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Ah, sorry Joonie , y-you startled me," Seokjin said, sighing with relief when he realized it was him. he had just pulled off the sweater he was wearing, and was now exposed in only a comfy shirt and boxers.

"Joonie?" Namjoons face was a little flushed, and he seemed… different. Just as he wanted to feel his forehead - doubting whether he was drunk or ill - he staggered towards him and he felt how the weight of his body pushed him down on the bed. "N-Nam-Joonie? W-what are you-" RM pushed him back down when he tried to protest, pinning him down. "Joon-" He leaned in and  quickly turned jins  head with a gasp. Seokjin's neck caught the kisses his husband had aimed at his lips, sending shivers down his spine. Seokjin noticed how he smelled like beer and wait - whiskey? "

Y-you drank? Nam-Joon stop it!" he tried to push him off but he didn't even move. He just continued kissing his neck, placing soft kisses down the sensitive skin. "Nam-joon -" seokjin  stopped his attempt to call his name when he started to suck on his neck, leaving a few hickeys here and there. he squirmed and twisted under him. Nam-joon was drunk, was this what alcohol did to him? No way! His attempts to move him off were helpless though. Had Namjoon always been this strong?

"Namjoon!" His drunk husband now managed to press his lips on him, and he felt how the kiss drew away his power to fight back. Eventually he just allowed his tongue to enter his mouth, allowing him to kiss him passionately. He stopped for a moment to move some hair from jin face.

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