Chapter 40- The Gift

Start from the beginning

"I haven't been in the presence of my father in years. Just the occasional letters," he replied.

"I appreciate everything you're doing... especially considering what you've shared with me about your feelings toward him," I said, acknowledging his efforts.

I sensed a slight tension in him, and his expression subtly shifted into one of frustration.

"I'm sorry you're forced to deal with him," I added.

"At some point, we all must confront our demons," he reflected.

He shifted slightly, retrieving a small box and extending it to me. As he opened it, a delicate white gold seashell necklace emerged. Positioned atop the shell, at the junction with the chain, were what appeared to be a petite emerald and pearl. The locket was adorned with tiny diamonds that traced its outline, causing it to shimmer brilliantly beneath the morning sun. It was truly a stunning piece of jewelry.

"Ominis..." I whispered, my surprise evident on my face.

"I know your birthday isn't for a few months, but I thought now was as good a time as any," he explained.

"When did you even find the time?" I wondered aloud.

"I had it crafted a while back, intending to give it to you during the school year... but plans have changed," he replied with a hesitant chuckle.

"Why this design, if I may ask?" I inquired with genuine interest.

A small smile played on his lips, and his eyes softened. "Even before your confesssion , you had shown your affinity for the ocean, the seashell was always going to be part of it. As for the emerald and pearl..." His cheeks took on a subtle pink hue as he hesitated. "...they're meant to represent you and me. A way for you to carry a piece of me, even if our connection spans only through letters and distance."

Young and Beautiful- Piano Arrangement by Meltwave

He drew nearer, gently opening the locket, and a hauntingly beautiful melody began to fill the air.

"The night of the Yule Ball, our first dance, was when I began to realize my feelings for you were evolving beyond friendship," he admitted, the locket emitting a soft, luminous glow as the melody played.

"I enchanted the necklace to play the song from our first dance..."

I recalled that enchanting night of the Yule Ball, where our first dance had become a turning point. With every twirl, every touch, I had felt a rush of happiness and a budding affection for him. His smiles, his jokes, his every word intoxicated me. If I were the sun, surely he would be the moon, guiding the tides of my heart with his luminous, enchanting presence.

Images of our dance practices and the enchanting Yule Ball flickered through my mind. I had felt that affectionate stir as well, but the presence of Sebastian had complicated everything. The last thing I wanted was to hurt anyone, so I had distanced myself as gracefully and respectfully as possible.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"I absolutely love it, Omi, thank you!" I exclaimed, my excitement prompting an impromptu hug that caused us to end up on the ground.

"I'm relieved. I was a bit unsure on the design. I wish I could see it on you myself, especially since you're so fond of it."

"Me too. It truly is beautiful." Ominis assisted me in fastening the necklace, sneaking a soft kiss against my earlobe.

"You sure we can't just run away together?" I mused.

"Unfortunately, my dear, the world needs your saving touch once again. And I'm quite certain Sebastian would track us down," he replied, and we shared a lighthearted laugh before heading back to the castle.

All I craved was some well-deserved rest, something that had eluded me for the past week. Opting for Ominis's room instead of my own, he casted a cloaking spell to ensure my privacy, in case anyone came looking for me.. Before I drifted into slumber, he pressed a sweet kiss to my forehead, offering the comfort of an uninterrupted sleep.

 Before I drifted into slumber, he pressed a sweet kiss to my forehead, offering the comfort of an uninterrupted sleep

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A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now