101 kill ?

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[ this is gonna be the longest part]

As it was taehyung's 100 kills it was like a special to taehyung and his members or friends and he wanted to also celebrate it with Jungkook this time.....

Jungkook and hid friends came down to a cake cutting ceremony they were confused was it taehyung's birthday? That's what they were thinking and there was his friends on the show too

"Is it your birthday mr.Kim" asked a curious jimin "no it's his 100 kill moment" replied a cold faced guy basically taehyung's friend suga

and yes Jin and namjoon met now jimin and suga

"What you do mean by 100 kills?" "Yes it's my 100 kills yesterday itself I killed someone and it went to 100 so we are celebrating it but buttttt there will be a party at evening for which you all are invited"

Taehyung said it very casually as if it's his birthday and they're keeping a birthday party but no he has killed someone and they're celebrating that how ruthless can they be.....seeing the 4Js shocked face they all started to laugh

"Ohhooo remember I am a killer?" "Yes and if you're living here you should get a habit of murders violence killing and all" "but that's bad" "oh Jungkook nothing is good in this world now I'll leave for my work you all prepare for today's party and yes all of my guests will come and they too are like me so no need to open mouths like that"

Later the 4Js were in Jin's room at afternoon

"Hyung I am getting scared" "Jungkook dont be scared he can't do anything to you" "exactly we all are here he can't do anything" " I don't even know why he wants me" "you're cute maknae" "arghhhh not now I am not cute" "you're cute and that's it but see you guys I am saying it be careful from him please if you're alone with anyone stay careful" "Jin hyung don't worry we live together and we hmmm maybe die together ? But no dying we do live together and stay happy together nothing will happen so no worries"

At evening....

Some guests started come already and taehyung was downstairs with his friends welcoming them and the teenagers were in their room thinking whether to go or no their thoughts were battling with each other and suddenly a knock on the door

"Jungkook are you ready ? And what about your friends Cmon I am waiting" saying this behind of the door taehyung has left

"Jungkook what are we supposed to do now" "let's just go to the party and see what goes on anyways I am hungry too" "you sure about going ?" "hyung don't worry nothing is gonna happen and even it's at his own mansion not outside right" "yes you're right let's go then but let's change too"

They got dressed..the clothes were already there ready for them they wore those looked at themselves but not to forget to take pictures they took and went downstairs for them it was so huge and grand even if it was at house but I mean it's not even a house it's a mansion it was perfectly decorated but there was many many people which made them kinda uncomfortable like they can be can be not murders and that also old old people ofc it had to make them uncomfortable

When Jungkook was hoping and coming down the sound made taehyung turn at the stairs and see the adorable little guy coming down he was looking just so good in that formal clothes and there came Jungkook stood in front of taehyung but taehyung just couldn't stop staring at him then someone spoke up...

"Oh who is this little boy taehyung ? We never saw him here right"

Oh god this made taehyung little furious...,

"Yeah this is Jungkook he is my brother's wife's family..... wait taehyung had a family ? And why would he lie even ? That's what was going inside the 4Js mind.

"Ohhh I seee but they were never here" "now they're here and let them enjoy don't start to interrogate now" "yo chill I was just asking but okay you guys enjoy

Saying this he left so now the actual party started the elders I mean by Jin jhope they went on the buffet and the Maknaes enjoying the DJ

"You guys are enjoying right" they turned back and saw a black haired cat looking faced (ofc you all guessed)

"And I am suga taehyung's friend I came here as he said me to check on you all" "yes we are enjoying the party" "that's good" "btw I know that you're Jungkook but you're?" He pointed at jimin

"I am jimin" "oh nice to meet you jimin" they both were staring at each other but with love stare and Jungkook was getting bored he excused himself and left from their and he went to other sides and stayed there alone sipping on his drink....

"Hey there" someone approached him Jungkook turned behind and saw the same guy where he met with taehyung..

"Hey" "you're pretty" "Thankyou"

Jungkook was kinda getting uncomfortable about how he was staring and jungkook also can't fight cuz it's taehyung's friend suddenly that guy started to touch Jungkook and started to hold his hand tightly

"Can you not touch me ?" "Oh baby boy I can't resist" "he started to get closer to Jungkook trying to do something and whenever Jungkook screamed it went in vain cuz of the loud music

And suddenly that filthy man got hardly turned back and came a flying punch when the guy came to his sense he noticed it's taehyung who had punched him

"How dare you touch him?!!!" He was growling "taehyung relax I was just having fun what's wrong in that?" " oh you're not ready for this"

Taehyung said that and was beating him into a pulp then somehow suga and namjoon came and stopped him he was about to make his 101 kill in his 100 kill party today....part07

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