Chapter 7 - Forgotten Legacy

Start from the beginning

Daichi presented the action plan, as well as the individuals who were to assist in achieving the goal. His father listened attentively, not interrupting the narrative once. The old clock counted down the passing seconds. After hearing the entirety, he decided to comment on the chairman's exposition.
- You should make more comprehensive preparations. This plan exhibits numerous flaws.
Upon hearing the course of action, Raichi noticed a considerable number of shortcomings, but the delta of this equation was not negative. The man in the navy suit found Suguna intriguing. The presence of the mysterious woman could significantly increase the group's chances, but her intentions were inscrutable, which in itself could ultimately bury their hopes.
- I cannot deny that, although time is not on our side - explained the chairman, knowing they didn't have the privilege of precise planning.
- I can see from your eyes and demeanor that you are determined - said the father, then rose from his chair. He had no intention of negating his son's idea. On the contrary, he was pleased to see how resolutely and seriously he approached the matter. - Very well, before you set off, I have something to give you.

Raichi approached the large painting behind him. It depicted an older man with slicked-back gray hair. He was dressed in a brown blazer and waistcoat, sitting proudly in a chair. Around his collar, he had a bolo tie fastened with a brown ribbon and a green pendant. The father pushed aside the painting, which behaved like a door. Behind, it hid a black safe built into the wall. The tall man dialed the combination, then opened the compartment, from which he retrieved an ornate box made of oak wood, locked with a key. Daichi had no knowledge of the hidden item in his father's study. He associated this room with a library where he came for books, never expecting a hidden safe within. Raichi closed the compartment and slid the painting back into place. Then he placed the box on the desk. The chairman didn't know what to say; he gazed attentively at the box, trying to guess its contents.
- "Medium-sized box. Gold embellishments, resembling wrapped azaleas, keyhole" - he thought intensely, but nothing came to mind. Seeing his son's concentration, the older man spoke.
- The time has come for me to reveal an important piece of information about our family - he announced, resting his right hand on the desk. - As you know, in this world, having a surname is reserved only for outstanding individuals. The decree to strip most citizens of their surnames was issued shortly after the civil war. Furthermore, in an unexplained manner, all individuals who once held a family name have forgotten they ever had one.

Daichi listened attentively to his father's words, taken aback by the sudden revelation. He had expected that after presenting his plan, his father would simply nod and dismiss him from the room. He wasn't someone who overly sentimentalized such events. However, it couldn't be said that his father lacked emotions; he simply had immense faith in his own offspring, knowing that Daichi wasn't the type to recklessly rush into things.
Another reason Daichi believed their conversation would end quickly was the fact that his father had connections within the Okinawan government. Raichi never complained of boredom; his duties consumed a considerable amount of his time. Yet, despite his demanding work, he always found moments for his family. He ensured his son received a proper education, and Koharu never felt abandoned by her father. The Chairman often wondered about the exact nature of his father's work, but he was never able to uncover the truth. The revelation of the mysterious safe only raised more questions than answers.
- One of my many research subjects was the matter of our family name. During my investigations, I stumbled upon an intriguing lead.
- What did you discover? - Daichi asked, attempting to organize his thoughts, but his bewilderment surpassed the power of deduction.
- We didn't lose our family name immediately... It was taken from us later.

The Chairman widened his eyes. His father's words seemed to carry an air of dread and mystery. At that moment, he realized that his family was different from others. Most had their names taken away immediately after the decree was issued. His family, however, had lost theirs later, which suggested they might have had connections to the Great Seven (the coalition of seven families that had fought against the emperor during the civil war).
- I couldn't find information on why we were stripped of our name later than others. I don't know what connections we once had with the people who now rule the country. It is plausible that our memories have been subject to manipulation - he said, bowing his head. - Daichi, your mission isn't just to bring Koharu back home but also to uncover the truth behind our forgotten legacy.
- And the box? - Daichi asked, feeling the overwhelming weight of the task ahead. Nothing he had undertaken in the past could compare to this mission.
- It is a weapon that I, as the head of our family, am bestowing upon you - his father replied, reaching into his jacket and pulling out a golden key. - You embark on a perilous journey, with the fate of Koharu resting on your shoulders, as well as that of our family - his father continued, extending his hand with the item toward his son. - Living in the illusion of truth is no different than a dream. It's time for us to awaken from it.

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