When Ashford started squirming I knew she had reservations. I didn't care. Not really. I will be king. Everyone would do as I say. But she will be queen and one thing that I've learned from my parents is that the queen plays a huge role in diplomacy, even if the king doesn't.

"What is it, Ashford?" When she bit her lip with uncertainty. I wanted to fuck her. I can't wait until we fix this situation. I want to have my mates with me, fucking, bonding and getting to know Shane.

"We need to talk about afterwards. What would we do with the humans. Not all of them were in on this ridiculous plan."

"Right now with the way I'm feeling. I want them all gone. We gave them a chance and they squander it."

"But Mickey."

"It's done, Ashford."

"Mickey, please, just one more...." I pulled her to me and wrapped my hand around her throat.

"Everyone out. I need to speak with Ashford." After everyone left I squeezed her neck tighter. "Ok, Mickey. I'm sorry."

"You keep questioning me in front of everyone. Your duty isn't to fucking fight me at every turn."

I threw her away from me. She stumbled back with tears in her eyes.

"Just say what you want to say Mickey. You blame me for it all. I'm sorry that you felt that I didn't handle it well, but I did what I thought was best at the time with you and Makay being gone. And Uncle Cain agreed with me and so did the priestess. I was just trying to save lives and if you weren't full of rage and apathy because of your warlock, you would see it as well."

She started to walk off, but I levitated her in the air and brought her back to me.

"I don't give a fuck about any of that, but you will watch what you say and do. Do you want a repeat of what happened when Chaos first came?" I stepped closer to her. "Stop it Mickey, please."

I grabbed her hair and pulled it tight. She cried out. "You want to attack me. Go ahead. Try it."

"Mickey, I don't want to fight! I was just going to check on Shane!"

She cried out as I pulled her hair tighter. "Shane, your savior, right. You didn't think I knew you fucked him."

I slapped her hard. She fell to the ground. "Did I you say you could fuck him."

"Mickey please. It just happened. I didn't plan on it. It won't happen again unless you're ready. I know it's a big step for you, for us, but, but I couldn't control it."

I pulled her up. I looked down in her face. All kinds of thoughts running through my mind. Ashford has always been mine. It will be another adjustment sharing her with someone else. Even if that other person is hers and my mate as well. But I'm not overly mad about it. I just wanted to punish her and have her reassure me that she belongs to me. I love her pleas.

I grabbed her by her arm. I pulled her to my room. I frown to see that Shane still hasn't woken. I pulled her to my bathroom shower. I snatched all her clothes off and threw her into the shower. "Mickey!"

I looked at her naked body. Her skin complexion was a light tan. Her beautiful hair was a sandy brown color. It was naturally curly with tight wavy curls. Her breasts were a nice size. Her rosy pink nipples were small, but very sensitive. She was a little on the short side, but not overly. Her beautiful green eyes had fear in them.

"Should I just leave your life, Ashford. You know I tried that and it didn't work."

She sniffed.

I took my clothes off. "Is that it? You want me to leave, Ashford. You want to reject me."

Her eyes grew big with fear. "Nooo Mickey, please. That isn't what I want. I'd die without you. Please. It won't happen again. I'll- I'll do whatever you want. What I need to reassure you of that."

I stepped into the shower with her. I used my body to push her in the corner. She has made me very happy with what she just said. Ashford is just as obsessed with me as I am with her.

"I'll die without you as well, Ashford." I picked her up. She wrapped her legs around me and looked into my face. She grabbed my face and kissed me. I reached over and turned the water on without breaking a kiss. When the hot steaming water started to coax us. I pulled her nipple into my mouth. I pulled it and bit it. She hissed then moaned. "Mickey."

I gripped her neck, not tight, but enough for her to look at me. Her beautiful green eyes held love and desperation. "Mickey." The way she softly said my name set fire to my blood.

I couldn't wait. I slid into her. I growled. "Fuck."

I stared into her eyes as I fucked her. "I lied you know," I stated as I slid in and out of her. Deeper and deeper. She moaned. "I won't ever let you go, Ashford. I've told you before. You're screwed."

"It's ok, Mickey. I'm here for you. Oh please. Oh. Oh!" She started gyrating on me. I let her do it because if I did, I would push her all the way down on my dick and I know that would hurt her. Moments like this when I have these small revelations let me believe that the warlock and I can coexist.

After we had a cosmic orgasm. I thought to myself only time will tell. 

The Outlands (Sequel to Elven King Mistress)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu