chapter 9 uwuwuwu

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guys i know the last chapter was kinda ending off of a sad cliffhanger but since im a disgusting monster the angst will continue through this chapter, but since i can be nice, it will end with fluff :)) (i think?) also i changed the cover hehe RAAAAHHHHHHHH

Anyways TW: self hatred (a little i think)

"What the hell..."
"Wait a minute is that- is that blood.?!"
"No its ketchup."
"Trophy wtf this isnt time to joke around unless you're being serious and it is ketchup."
"Wow the irony, the comedian doesnt wanna joke."
"Well why do you care? You can just leave."
"Because i consider you a person too! Okay? You might have done horrible things, you might have insulted others, people don't really like you, yes i know! But you're still a person too."
Trophy started chuckling and Cheesy realized there were tears going down his face.
(Where the others at bro 🤨)
Cheesy closed the door. (Ayo)
Trophy was just sitting there, blood on his fists (guys if you punch the wall where tf does the blood come from im fucking stupid)
It was very quiet. Like REALLY quiet.
"So, you're just gonna sit there?"
"Do i have to talk?"
"Yeah, thats why i closed the door."
"Why do you even wanna know? They're my fucking problems so leave it alone."
"I dont care what you say, im still gonna help you."
"Well you can start by fucking leaving." Trophy said sarcastically. He then stood up, grabbed a pair of earphones and his phone.
"What are you doing?"
"Putting on a song cause if you're just gonna stand there and fucking stare then at least let me listen to music."
Cheesy went out of the room for a bit.
Of course like the caring person he can be he came back with a medical kit for Trophy hands. He grabbed Trophy's wrist and started putting bandages.
Trophy didnt know what was wrong with him because he just- well let it happen.
"Don't harm yourself." Cheesy said in a deadpan tone. Trophy was in shock, Cheesy never had a deadpan tone unless he was tired.
"Are you tired?"
"Then why do you have a deadpan tone?"
"Oh i dont know! Ask your hands maybe!" Cheesy said slightly angry.
"Alright! Im sorry okay? I wont do it again."
"Good." Still in a deadpan tone.
"What is it? I told you i wont do it again!"
"Well, why did you do it? Tell me that too."
Trophy didnt say anything. He just put on his earphones and switched on the music.
"See! How can i trust you wont do it again?! You wont even tell me why you did it in the first place!"
Cheesy yelled. (Not that loud though)
"Fine. I'll tell you. Happy?"
Cheesy sighed in relief and sat down beside him.
"I hate myself."
"Thats it."
"Trophy i know theres something more."
"I cant tell you that. You'd hate me for it." Trophy was tearing up again
"You can tell me anything. I wont tell anyone else."
"Well- i- err.."
"Is there something wrong?"
"No i mean i want to tell you- i just- cant."
"Why not?"
"Because that would be a confession..." Trophy muttered.
"A confession of what?" Cheesy asked.
"yeah i did- which is why im asking."
"Mhm. Happy now?"
"If you telling me what you wanna tell me is a confession of love then- does that mean.."
"Go ahead. You can laugh all you want."
"Why would i laugh?"
"Maybe because this is fucking stupid? Also because i like you."
"Thats not really something to laugh about..i like you as well."
"Why? Im just a stupid bitch. I cant do jack shit. Every time i try to do something it goes wrong. I cant do anything right, i even blackmailed someone! Isnt that a crime? Im basically a criminal! Im not even good at anything! The only things im good at are photography and being a stupid fucking failure! I dont understand how you, out of all people, would like me."
"Trophy i really do like you."
"Just stop saying that! You're just trying to spare my feelings and lie just like everyone else."
"Do i have to prove it to you or something?!"
"Well be my fucking guest!"
Cheesy stood up and kissed him.
Trophy was extremely red.
"W- i- what...."
Cheesy didnt say anything but just hugged him and smiled. After that he left.
Trophy just sat there stunned.

End of chapter!! Hehehehehe
Ikr they finally confessed!! Anyway i kinda went overboard so next chapter will possibly have more or less words lol just wait for the next chapter!! Im glad some people actually like this story!!
804 words

Trophy x Cheesy storyWhere stories live. Discover now