Chapter 2 teehee

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Trophy was a bit tired, especially considering he woke up at 4 am and was awake until 7. Anyway, he went back to sleep and he woke up again at 8:35 am, He felt a bit thirsty so he went to grab some water. He went out of his room and headed downstairs, people were talking or watching tv. He didn't really care though he just wanted water, even though he was a bit tired still. Suddenly he heard a voice calling his attention. "Hey troph! Hey!" It was that stupid cheesy twerp. He let out a slight groan, as he turned around. "What do you want?" Cheesy was concerned because of how tired Trophy looked. Cheesy replied by saying. "Looks like you aren't in a golden mood right now, ey?" And slapped his knee.
Trophy groaned as a response. "What? Is it not your golden hour?" Cheesy slapped his knee and started giggling (bro you dead fr 💀). Suddenly Trophy yelled. "Can you SHUT THE HELL UP?! IM TIRED OF YOUR STUPID JOKES! I DONT EVEN WANNA HEAR THAT STUPID KNEE SLAP! IM TIRED. DOESNT YOUR HAND HURT FROM SLAPPING YOUR KNEE?!" Cheesy was kinda suprised, actually everyone was, why? Cause they have never and i mean NEVER heard Trophy shout THAT loud, they have heard him yell but it wasn't that loud, this is the first time Trophy had yelled to his voices limit. An awkward silence formed, Trophy looked Cheesy dead in the eye, walked away to get some water, headed back to his room and slammed the door shut. Cheesy was a little bit upset by what Trophy said, but he never really thought much about it, what he kept thinking about was why did he yell it so loud? And the fact that Trophy's voice could become so loud. If he were to be honest though, he liked the fact that Trophy would always yell at him, rather than ignoring him.

With Trophy on the other hand? (POV switch tee hehe) Trophy was sort of breaking down at this point, he didn't really wanna yell at Cheesy, he doesn't really like it considering it reminds him of when his parents would yell at each other, but he wonders why he does it, it confuses him a lot. It doesn't feel right to him, but maybe its because of the lack of patience he has... aside from that (TW: stupid head cannon) he's been wondering how Silver and Bronze have been, if they're doing ok. He's just pondering while lying in bed, he feels like he just wants to cry at this point, he misses them. He was knocked out from his thoughts as a knock was placed on the door, it was Knife, they aren't really friends, but Trophy has apologized for what he did, Knife doesn't completely forgive him but he sees Trophy as an acquaintance, but either way he still does care a little for Trophy considering he's human too ( well at least in this au 💀) and everyone makes mistakes.
"Dude, you good in there?" Knife asked.
"I-" Trophy stopped there.
"You...?" Knife replied, but Trophy couldn't speak, maybe its because of how loud he yelled. (Yeah it was that loud you could hear it from the roof of the damn hotel 😭)
Trophy realized he lost his voice, he opened the door.
"You okay?" Knife asked again.
Trophy didn't know what to do, but he suddenly grabbed a pen and a paper, (teehee paper) and wrote on it.
"I cant talk. Im pretty sure i lost my voice from yelling at Cheesy."
Knife was in shock a little, especially because Trophy's handwriting looked good 🤭 (no i dint ship knife and trophy thats just weird)
Anyway Knife did a thumbs up, and asked.
"Should i tell everyone?"
Trophy had a blank stare, then nodded.
"Alrighty then." Knife said as he walked away.
Trophy didn't know what to do or how to get his voice back, he's probably just gonna ask Test tube...

Trophy x Cheesy story [REMAKE WILL BE PUBLISHED SOON!!] Where stories live. Discover now