Chapter 4!

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From chapter 3 they were on the roof looking at the sunset, so heres what happened on the roof!!.

(Mind you this is still one day. Yes one day but 4 chapters, well guess what? There are 24 hrs in a day, almost or more than 600 words per chapter right? Divide 6 by 24 and you get 4. So here, on chapter is a quarter of a day, 2 is half the day, 3 is 1/3 of a day, and 4 is one whole day, get it? Ok good.)

"Troph, i swear i've gotta be honest here man..."
Trophy looked at cheesy with a confused look on his face.
"Its so odd with you so quiet... i mean- well yeah you get it, right?"
Trophy nodded in response

Ok anyways resume!!

Trophy felt sick of this, he wanted to talk, so badly. He knew he had to rest his throat to get it back. Cheesy noticed how he looked a bit saddened, so there was kind of an awkward silence...

Cheesy proceeded to ask. "Why are you mostly angry though?" Trophy didn't really know why, he just felt that he didn't really have much control of what he does, he just doesn't show most emotions to people. He did want to, but maybe he just didn't really want to. It's like if he were to be angered or provoked in anyway, probably just like normal people, he'd have no absolute control in what he says or does and just does it in rage. It was something he didn't really like, so he mainly tries to avoid getting angry.
Cheesy was concerned for a bit.
"Oh right. You can't speak..." he said quietly.
"Sorry about that... anyway, it's getting a bit late, im gonna head inside. Will you go with or...?" Trophy just stood up and started walking.
"Alright then." Cheesy just went with him. Cheesy went down to where everyone else was, Trophy just went to his room to hang up the pictures he took from earlier on the roof.

Currently the time was maybe and possibly around 7 pm already. Everyone had already had dinner, so people were either chatting, staying in their rooms, preparing for bed (psychopaths who tf sleeps at 7 pm..), and / or playing games. Other than that? They were just doing their own thing

Trophy was eating some cacao nibs or whatever u call em, while watching a show or more likely youtube videos, basically reddit stories (cause im also watching them teehee). This was already maybe around 9 pm. Cheesy saw him, tapped on his shoulder and asked.

"whatcha watching?? is it a gouda show??" and slapped his knee. Trophy looked quite annoyed by this, he wanted to tell cheesy to get out but he couldnt talk soooo... all he could do was ignore him. "Dang this story is interesting..." Cheesy said. Trophy sat down and moved, tapping the space on the sofa while placing the laptop on the table and then looking away. Cheesy didn't understand until Trophy did some signs. Cheesy sat down and watched with him.

while listening to one of the reddit stories, Cheesy suddenly spoke. "Jesus that's rough..." they watched a lot of videos before Cheesy fell asleep (yes its the classic sleep on shoulder teehee). Trophy was kind of embarrassed and quite flustered. He felt odd, there was a lot and i mean A LOT of emotions mixing inside of him, so many that he eventually thought of a romantic relatio- what...? but he wasnt gay definitely not gay, or at least he thought so, he didnt really care about his sexuality until now because he had no decisions of being in an intimate relationship. He didnt know if he was gay or etc. He really never cared because he never thought about a relation ship, anyway he turned of the laptop, but he didnt wanna wake up Cheesy so he just went to sleep too.

chapter 4 haha

673 wordzzz

Trophy x Cheesy story [REMAKE WILL BE PUBLISHED SOON!!] Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя