Tensions and Transformations

Start from the beginning

Their eldest daughter's magic was very powerful, and very sought after, and she rarely made mistakes. But her divination even had its limits. The future could easily change on a dime, or sometimes she would see things out of order or with little context. It was powerful, and rarely wrong, but it wasn't completely foolproof.

" Nacht, look," Josele said as she nodded her head in front of them. Nacht turned to look and saw a person wearing a black and red cloak, standing a few feet away, with the hood covering their face. But what got the couple's attention was the emblem on the cloak:

It was a Cerberus.

" Don't let them get away, got it?" Nacht said, and Josele nodded.

" Don't gotta tell me twice."

And soon, the chase was on.

The cloaked man quickly took off running, with Josele and Nacht giving chase. They ducked, dodged, bobbed, and weaved through the crowded streets. The man was quick, but so were they.

Nacht used his shadow magic and debated on using his Bremen devils, but refrained, he didn't want to cause a big commotion and draw unnecessary attention to him and Josele. But every time he used his shadow magic to get close, it was as though the man somehow knew and was just able to get out of his reach.

Josele tried to use her emotion magic to try to stop the man as well, but again, he managed to dodge her. Effectively making her and Nacht annoyed.

" Josele," Nacht called out to his wife. " Let's try to corner him down that alleyway!"

" Alright! I'll use Vexed Smog to make a smoke screen, maybe it'll disorientate him, and you can use your Shadow Magic to grab him!" Josele shouted back at her husband, who nodded in agreement.

The couple watched in slight confusion as the man suddenly turned left, down the opposite alley that they wanted him to go down. But the couple would take it, as long as they could corner him, that was all that mattered.

Josele quickly used her Vexed Smog spell and the alley filled with smoke, and Nacht used his Shadow Magic to sneak down the alley unseen and undetected. But frowned a bit as he stood at the end of the alley, where the man was supposed to be.

" What's wrong?" She asked as the smoke cleared, and she walked down the alley, she frowned when she noticed her husband standing there, alone. " Where did he go?"

" I don't know," Nacht admitted with a confused frown as he turned around and around in the alley. " He ran down here, we watched him, but I don't see or sense him anywhere." He muttered as he placed a thoughtful hand under his chin.

" I don't sense him either," Josele agreed as she frowned and crossed her arms. " Maybe...maybe he was an illusion? Or he was able to disguise himself?"

" An illusion would make more sense, if he was able to disguise himself we would have both been able to sense his magic here." Nacht said before he looked at his wife. " If it was just an illusion, it was a pretty powerful one to have been able to fool us."

Suddenly the two heard a door squeak and they both jumped and got into defensive stances, but after a few seconds they didn't see, hear, or sense anything. The two looked at each other for a moment, asking each other if they should go investigate. Nacht's eyes begged Josele to stay here and keep watch, while her eyes argued that he wasn't going down there to face an unknown enemy alone. They went back and forth silently for a moment before Nacht sighed and gave in.

He walked towards the door and used his shadow magic to push it open forcefully. He walked inside slowly and steadily, but still didn't see anything but an empty house. He walked further in and paused when he heard another door squeak, one that led downstairs and into what he imagined was the cellar. Nacht turned to look at his wife over his shoulder and saw her nod, so, he walked down the stairs slowly and stopped once he reached the bottom.

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