Lets dance-bill

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•You and a couple of friends decides to go partying. When you decide to get a drink you felt someone staring at you.


Y/n pov!

Me and my friends were gonna go out to the new club in town. I just got out of the shower and was drying my self off. I found this super hot outfit to put on and a Smokey eye look as well.

 I found this super hot outfit to put on and a Smokey eye look as well

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Once I was done putting my outfit on and doing my makeup. I put my hair in a ponytail with two strands out in the front. I texted my friends to see where they were and they were outside waiting for me.

Time skip to the club

We got to the club and it was so live, their was a whole bunch of people in here drinking and dancing the night away. Me and my friends went to a booth. Their was a lady coming our way who I guessed was a server or whatever.

Server- hey guys what drinks would you like to get started with

Kayla- Can I have three jello shots please
Selena- can I have two shots of tequila and a Long Island sweet tea

Y/n- I'll have a Long Island sweet tea and a shot of fireball.

Server- alright I'm coming up with your drinks.
The lady left and we started talking about people in the club.

Kayla- I want to get very drunk and dicked down. She said grinding in her seat.
Selena- Kayla you are such a whore. She said laughing
Y/n- I'm ready to get on the dance floor! I said doing my little dance in my seat.

A little bit time later the lady brought our drinks and we bodies our shots. Not even going to lie I feel tipsy but we all went to the dance floor dancing and grinding. Me and Selena saw Kayla talking to this guy he looked 6ft tall, dreads, and a unique type of outfit. They were dancing on each other for a while then eventually Selena started grinding on a blonde headed guy. I went to the bar cause I was running out of my drink, I decided to get a refill until the server mentioned that their was a guy willing to pay for my drink.

Y/n- who wants to pay for my drink. I said smiling.
She pointed to a black haired guy with a different hairstyle and who kinda looked similar to the guy Kayla was dancing with. He looked like he had a goth or grunge type of style but I found it very attractive. I let him pay for my drink and decide to walk to where he was sitting at without falling because I was feeling pretty drunk already.

Y/n- thank you for buying my drink! What's your name?
Bill- my name is bill, what's yours? He said smiling

He had such an attractive smile that was to die for, he even sounded like he had a accent.

Y/n- my name is y/n. I said taking a sip out of my drink.

Bill- you have a beautiful name y/n! Do you want to go on the dance floor?

I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. When I turned to him I didn't realize how tall he was, he looked at least 6'4. As I looked up at him in his beautiful brown eyes, I felt like I could stare at it all night long. He even had the nicest smile.

Bill- You know you do stare a lot.
Y/n- You know that's kind of your fault for having such amazing features to stare at. I said smirking
Bill put his hand on my waist, moving it to the slowed music. I put my hands around his neck. I felt butterflies in my stomach as we were slow dancing, I felt the urge to kiss him and so I stood up a limper and he bended a little. Our lips touched and we were making out for a while, us fighting for dominance with our tounges and tasting each other's alcohol. He broke the kiss and asked for my number, I gave him my number and he gave me his. A few hours of our time together we were dancing and singing. Those times together we spent we got to know a lot about each other and we were quite similar.
It was late and bill told me he was in a band called Tokio Hotel. Him, his brother Tom, his friend Georg and Gustav was here. Which explained who my friends were dancing with. We all hung out and had a good time.

Hey hotties hope u like this one shit of Billy bobo bear hehehehe and I have like one more draft to post sich means I need to find more ideasssss. But anyway I did no spell check cause I'm lazy but byeee love yu

 But anyway I did no spell check cause I'm lazy but byeee love yu

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