Chapter twenty-one: plans!

Start from the beginning

Wilbur groaned a bit before nodding yes and texting his 'friend'


hey Wil? I'm sorry but can we do the project somewhere else? I'd rather not do it at mine right now :'(

Yea sure
My mumza wants to meet you anyways
So uhhh I think she decided your staying for dinner anyways :D

I mean- of course ur mom want me over!
I'm the best.
Why wouldn't she?!

Yeah, yeah, sure u are.

Wiblir! How dare you!
You're lucky I want to make a good impression
If I had the chance I'd beat ur ass rn

Try me bitch!
Also you spelt my name wrong

I did that on purpose.
Your brain is just to stupid to notice:]

yeah right
Anyways see you soooooon!!
Do you want me to pick you up or just send the address?

I need exercise, send the address.
I'll walk there.

**** L'manberg st.



Before Wilbur could notice, he was smiling brightly at his screen. Tommy was gonna tease him, but he got a call from Tubbs so he decided to spare the poor guy for an hour.

<back at Q's house>

The ravenette sighed in relief, dinner at Wilbur's! How bad could that be? Sure, there's an annoyingly tall gremlin, an intimidating beast, and two overprotective parents but really, how bad could that be?

Quackity snaps out of his nice thoughts(about Wilbur) when he hears a familiar shout.

"Hey I need you out of the house at night! It's an hour until you leave, so choose what you do with your time wisely. Or don't. Like I care about what the trash does."

"Oh-? Why?" The teen looked behind him at his father.

"Because! I've got... company. And I don't want you here."

Our ravenette sighed, "can't you get like- a hotel room?"

"Hey! I'll do what I like. Now choose where you're going for the night. I don't really give a shit as long as you're gone."

"Fine..." the teen sighed again and started the walk back to his room, falling on his bed and calling Charlie.

A cheery voice echoed through the call, it was picked up after the first ring. "Hey Quackity!! What's up?" Charlie is always happy on the phone, it lets him talk to his friends when they aren't there!

"Hey man, I Uhmm- can I stay at your house tonight? I'm not allowed at mine in an hour. I just need somewhere to sleep."

"Oh yeah! I'm hanging out with Karl later and I was just about to invite you! We got the new Zelda game and got snacks so drop by when you're ready! Karl's coming in a bit." Charlie was practically bouncing right now. But, really, when was he not? He's very bouncy, and he jumps higher than Literally anyone in school.

That's besides the point, Quackity now had a free, home cooked meal, and got to hang out with his friends after.

After talking for twenty minutes or so the boys hung up the call and Q started packing a few clothes. Something to sleep in, morning clothes, a blue hoodie, and of course, another beanie. In case of emergency beanie replacement. He wears them everywhere but his friends house, so he probably won't need it but better safe then sorry!

And now, Quackity started the trek to Wilbur's house. It was about fifteen minutes away, maybe twenty with his bags. And he was gonna have to leave on account of his dad anyways. He shot a text to Wil, saying he'd be there soon, and walked in peace. Just enjoying the air.
[1213 words]

[lmao my eyes hurt]

[sorry for filler chapter lol]

[I just remembered something my grandpa said lol he was shit talking someone's parenting style y'know as old people do and he said "yeah, he's definitely a beta." About the kids dad 💀💀💀💀]

[AND EVERYONE THERE AGREED. what has the world come to???]

[goodnight and remember u are loved<3]

Do you really hate me? (Quackbur) Where stories live. Discover now